
Hey Alex,

I have to tell you... I'm a little disappointed in your choice of Tim Hortons haha but I do enjoy Second Cup the best of those chains. I'm looking forward to joining these discussions.

Hey Peaberry,

I've only ever roasted for myself, but my business surrounds the distribution of fresh roasted beans to my clients weekly and bi-weekly. I plan to expand in the future and start roasting for my clients as well! That would be a dream.
Hi, I'm new here. My husband and I are looking into a coffee shop in the Berkshires, although we are currently in DC we are both from around that area. Threads within this forums have been extremely helpful. I look forward to reading some more. I'm a big coffee addict and love coffee houses. Though I find the one's in DC a bit lackluster.
Hi, I'm new here. My husband and I are looking into a coffee shop in the Berkshires, although we are currently in DC we are both from around that area. Threads within this forums have been extremely helpful. I look forward to reading some more.
Mill Street Coffee Roasting Company here! I'm John Seeley and my Son in law Shane Morgan opened our company January of this year. We use a Royal # 5 for our roasting. We have to give a lot of thanks to Matt Pennington of Vintage Coffee works for showing us the ropes and the electronics for air and bean temp. We also have a shop selling popcorn, caramel popcorn, roasted peanuts (we have another Royal # 5 for that) and soft icecream. Our web site is Shane is the RoastMaster
he does a great job. We're a small outfit. Our coffee is real good if I say so myself.
The coffee and our roaster is in the back room:coffee: Yes sorry about that....we are redoing our web site to include our coffee. We have been roasting since January of this year. My son in law Shane is the roaster. Matt of Vintage Coffee Works helped hook up a system to monitor our air bean temperature. He also helped us with our profiles and much more. We love using our Royal # 5 and our customers are liking our smooth roasted coffee. John
New:coffee1: from Illinois, just getting started in roasting coffee and have so much to learn , best place to buy green beans, roasting techniques, so glad I found this forum !

I am Halie. I am a student at University of Texas at Dallas studying Business focusing in Entrepreneurship. I could really use the support from the coffee community to help me a project! I am proposing a new coffee concept and focusing on distribution. My team members and I have created a short survey to help us with some of the details.


Think I originally posted this in the wrong place so will put it here! (Sorry guys!)

Hey Guys!

My name is Sean, I'm a barista based out of Dublin.

I joined the community because currently I'm trying to set up a barista training school & blog about coffee in Dublin right now.

Would love an advice you can give me or any guest blogging spots you guys might have. Feel fee to check out my site at

Thank you!

Sean :D
hi everyone,
my name münir,I used be mananging "mr blues cafe" in turkey antalya,now I am Going to open a new "Coffee &Cake" shop in the same place that the shop name is like a my nick name.I found this forum from inthernet. Best Regards...
Good day all, I am new to this site and the industry and was wondering what a Sivetz Roaster sells for these days...that's if they are still available. Looking forward to hearing from someone especially if there's something available that competes with the Sivetz. Best regards and blessings Reinhart (South Africa)
Hi all, I'm Toben I am currently in the US Army and deployed for a few more months. I intend on returning home and opening a drive thru espresso location. I am really hoping to network with some great people on here that can help get me where I need to be with the ins and outs of the business. I am from a small city in Kansas, bought 13000ish so the concept is unproven in a market like that im hoping someone in here has some good insight they can offer me on the subject.