
Hello all my name is Chuck
I'm fairly new as a coffee roaster I just purchased a BC 2000 roaster.
I glad to be a part of this forum and hope to learn more about coffee and coffee roasting.
Hello Chuck

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

We have quite a number of people on this Forum who roast coffee. I'm sure you will find a lot of valuable information here.

Please feel free to ask questions and participate in the discussions when you're ready.

Hi everybody,

I'm 28 from Switzerland, quite new in coffee industry. Started with slow coffee method, then I used to fix and refurbish vintage expresso machine and I would like to start roasting as soon as possible!

Hello "astracocas"


You wrote that you "started with slow coffee method." I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like you jumped from that to fixing espresso machines. I have a feeling you'll enjoy roasting coffee when you're ready to do it.

You will find a lot of useful and interesting information here on the Coffee Forums website.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jit, i am the cofounder of company name HelpingMonkey. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of high quality paper cups.

We are very passionate about our work and trying our best to meet customer requirements with high standards. Our Manufacturing unit is located in India (Nashik) and our marketing offices are present in India and Australia.

Please let us know if you have any requirements.

+61 0432803150
+91 9224344929
msg4jeet at
Hi All,

I am third generation coffee trader from Indonesia.

My latest project involves sustainability in coffee farming & responsible sourcing in Sumatra, Indonesia. I'm looking to make new friends with people from downstream of the coffee supply chain to complete the circle, and make coffee a more socially responsible beverage.

Trading coffee has been giving us - (traders, importers, roasters, cafe owners, and baristas) comfortable live, as such, I strongly believe that it should also give comfortable life to those involved along the supply chain.

Together, we can make REAL CHANGE
I started posting without introducing myself! I'm "Auguston Coffee" and the owner of a small cafe in British Columbia, Canada. We opened last year in July and, although not my first business, it's my first time opening a cafe!

I stated in my actual first post that as we're coming up on our 1-year anniversary, we're reviewing a number of areas to see if we should stay the course (POS sales, fees,etc.), scrap the idea (expanding our menu), or make a push in a new direction (expanding advertising, event nights).

So, yeah, that's Auguston Coffee in a nutshell!
Hi All!

My name is Nate and I've been a coffee lover for sometime but over the last couple of years I feel like I've become quite the snob but I don't have a problem with it! I'm here to learn a little bit more about coffee and also learn about what coffee drinkers like which will help me with my business in Toronto.

Thanks for having me!
hey Nate.
welcome. this is Alex from Ensoluna S.A.
You are living in a great city and I would like to visit there again...very soon.
I used to spend a lot of time in Second Cup store in Yonge-Dunda square, close to University of Toronto.
IMO, Second cup & Tim Horton are way better than Starbucks and Dunkin donuts, ha ha ha.
Welcome to Nate!

Lifelong coffee spaz here, but I'm too much of a caffeine addict to be a true coffee snob...meaning, I'll drink a lukewarm brownish beverage claiming to be coffee in the absence of the real deal just to get my fix, and I'm NOT ashamed to admit it. Seems obvious that you roast coffee. How long you been roasting?
