
Hello I'm Ed coming from 2 different backgrounds retired commercial printing & a coffee shop owner. Soon realized only larger coffee shops could afford advertising on cup sleeves. Knowing printing business developed a process to be able to print as low as 1000/pcs for as low as 10.5 cents each including shipping. This makes it possible for all coffee shops to compete with the larger ones increasing their sales & profit without any financial difficulties.
Hi my name is Ben. I live in the east bay near San Francisco. My wife and I are in the process of starting a coffee roasting business. I stumbled upon this forum during my late night hours of R&D on everything related to my love of coffee. I'm looking forward to having a place to connect with fellow coffee lovers.
Hello "bearderblunder" (Ben)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums! You stumbled upon a very useful resource for all things regarding the world of coffee. Feel free to explore the Forum topic areas, and ask questions when you're ready.

Good afternoon, everyone! Found this place after a few Google searches. I'm 27, work primarily from home in SoCal, and have always enjoyed coffee, but never ventured beyond ordering out or slow-dripping at home. I've had the Bialetti Moka Express and AeroPress gadgets on my Amazon wishlist for awhile, but never pulled the trigger. Over the Christmas holiday, my mother bought me a Bonjour 3-cup French press, and my father bought me a Cuisinart espresso maker!! I've been reading bits here and there, but have a long, long way to go. I look forward to learning from all of you and hanging out here regularly. Happy holidays!
Hello "kennitang"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website!

It sounds like you received some very nice coffee-related gifts this year. I hope you will have a lot of fun exploring them and experimenting with your coffee making.

Feel free to ask questions and participate in the discussions when you're ready.

Hello everyone!! i live in southwest washington and i am really enjoying this forum. i just joined and i think i have read every thread...well not really, but will!! I am very interested in coffee and the coffee shop business. so glad i stumbled upon this forum and can't wait to soak in what is offered on here. thanks for adding me admin!!
hey guy's just joined the forum i'm really into my coffee and i'm intrested about learning coffee art so if you have some pictures don't hesitate to share them :)
Hello all,

My name is Diego(James). I have lived and worked on a small coffee farm and from that experience is where I draw my perspective. I hope that my participation within this forum adds to the understanding of the love and pain that goes into operating a coffee farm. In return, I hope to learn from the diversity of prospective of consumers, roasters, cafe owners, and anyone else who may comment within this coffee themed forum. Thank you.