
Hello lkellyhappy1 (Lee-Ann)


I hope you're prepared for some questions about using the moka pot. It appears that you've have 20 years of experience that you can share with us.


Its no complicated at all. Use filtered water and tailor the amount of coffee you put in to the strength of the cup you want and it works perfectly every time. Fine ground is better but you can use pre-ground as well.

I only switched to the vac pot because My husband wanted something different and I thought I should try. Now I am working on getting my grind right and figuring out how much coffee to water to get the strength I want. Its all fun.:coffee1:
Hi! JR here from the Philippines and I'm kinda new to the coffee industry but I'm looking into having my own coffee shop with the hopes of somehow sharing the real coffee experience to the masses. I'm looking for recipes, tips, and business practices, I guess I'm on the right spot. I know I could learn a lot from this forum.

Looking forward to having more discussion with you guys.
I recommend the book by James Freeman "The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee"... I think it shows the way of the future with coffee shops plus he gives quite a bit on insight on cupping and modern methods of brewing coffee for the freshest taste... Hope that helps
Hi everyone; my name is Mauricio, I'm a coffee grower, family owned plantations in Honduras. Doing some research regarding export/import to the US found this forum which has really good info. Glad to join.
Hi guys,

Didn't get the opportunity to introduce myself earlier.

I'm Benji and I obviously love coffee enough to join a forum about it. I have a website where I review coffee makers and run all kinds of coffee experiments. I won't post the link here because I don't want it to come off as spammy. IF you're interested in checking it out let me know and I'll shoot you the link.
Hi all,

Name's Billy and I stumbled upon this forum while researching just general stuff about coffee. I am probably what you would call a beginner of a coffee enthusiast haha Only thing I can call my experience with coffee is the drinking of it. But recently I decided it was time I start learning more about coffee. I am looking forward to learn as much as I can and hopefully in time contribute too. Nice meeting all of you!
Hello "FunctionChen" (Billy)


You will find a lot of useful information about coffee here! You could spend hours and hours exploring this Forum (the handy search feature at the top right of your screen) and there will still be more to explore.

Feel free to ask questions and participate in the discussions when you're ready.

Hello to all -
I am glad to have found this forum - lots of good info. Coffee has not killed me and perhaps is part of what keeps me healthy..... 40 plus years of looking for the good stuff.
I live in Washington, DC, and have spent a bit of time in Jamaica, primarily for music work. Like others here, I have had various coffee ideas filter through my head. Never though did I feel I had found a reliable source for coffee beans in Jamaica. That has changed for me - I have expanded my music listings on E-Bay to now include freshly harvested, single source, fire roasted coffee from the Blue Mountains in Jamaica. I am working with the Hon. James Dennis Coffee Estate in Section, Portland, Jamaica, on the north side of the Blue Mountains. I am learning about the various micro-climates of the Blue Mountains. The National Geographic web site did an article about the farm in around 2007 - it is available on the National Geographic web site. The Dennis Coffee Estate is totally low tech - the farm is 95 years old and everything is done by hand. The goal is to distribute both roasted and ready to roast beans.
I look forward to checking this site - much appreciated!
Hello all
I was born from coffee producing family, and I want to become coffee importer
I am from Oromia Ethiopia city of Keffa where coffee was discovered and named after. I now live in Washington, DC. Almost everybody has one coffee tree or more and drinks coffee where I was born and grew up. My family ownes three commercial coffee farms and exports about 10,000 tones a year. Our speciality coffee (Organic) grows on altitude of 1800m to 1950m in Limu Genet, specific location called Burka Gudina. And it's called Burka Gudina Estate coffee farm.
Bereka means blessing and its performed By elder person on coffee ceremony before coffee is served for drink.
i found coffee forum while researching on importing coffee to USA and its a great place to learn from people with great passion for coffee.
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Hello "David18" and "Bereka"


It's interesting that you both are located in Washington DC. and you both joined the Forum today.

We hope you'll visit the Forum often and that you'll participate in the discussions and ask questions when you're ready.

Season Greetings to all coffee lovers here!
I am Francis from Singapore, work in a coffee company that roast, pack and distribute coffee beans and caramelised coffee powder. I were attracted to this Forum of its warm and generosity in sharing coffee knowledge.