
Hi there,

I'm probably one of the few people on here who is not obsessed with coffee- I fell in love with Colombia on a motorcycle trip about 6 years ago, and kept going back. Finally, I decided I wanted to find a way to work there, and since I'd spent time working on a coffee farm, I'd talked with some of the farmers about how they'd love to get a direct connect with cafes and roasters and cut out some of the middle men.

Now that I'very tried my hand at importing, I've found that this is not such a simple process! After not being able to make any money on the coffee I imported, I've decided to start roasting now that I've found a dedicated partner who is willing to hold down the fort on the stateside. I've been reading a lot of helpful posts on this forum as I've mulled the idea for the past year, but I finally decided to take the dive and register and officially become part of this community. I appreciate the info the users here have shared over the years, and perhaps I'l be able to give back some day! Certainly if anyone wants help importing coffee from Colombia I might be able to offer some help. Also if anyone is visiting Colombia and needs a place to stay, I have a beautiful shack with no electricity or plumbing in Putumayo. I doubt anyone will take me up on it, but hey, you never know...
shack with no electricity or plumbing
haha..never say never...I have been roughing it in Boca Raton Florida for the last 9 years. Welcome to the forums! So tell us more about your roastery in Seattle. Is it now open? Is there a cafe? What is the name? I look forward to reading of you adventures!
Hi everyone, My name is Dave and I am in the UK. I am currently working on a start-up project in the coffee roasting domain. This forum is amazing and has helped me already on a number of questions I had. I hope once I'm up and running to be able to contribute and share some of my own experience in the field. I see it as a privilege to be a member of the forum. Anyway...I am blabbing on.. so have good day.:p
Hello "CoffeeMac" (Dave)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums! It's great that you decided to join our membership.

You will find lots of useful information here. Please feel free to participate in the discussions and ask questions when you're ready.

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Hello "coffeelover23"


We're happy that you found us.

I couldn't help but notice your other posts today. Please take some time to read through the posts in the Forum, and when you're ready to respond, please do so with more than just a few words.


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Hello, I'm Jakk from Saskatchewan Canada, and have been perusing through your (my, now?! :smile: ) forums, while I've been negotiating to buy a coffee shop here. I am in the final stages now, have done the haggling on price, taking a bit of calculated risk with some goodwill and if all goes well, conditions come off Sept. 22 and I'll start slinging coffee Sept. 29. I'm a human resources manager by trade, having worked in our Provincial ministry of Justice and Corrections but have researched and dreamt for the better part of 20 years about owning my own coffee shop, so here goes.... !

I hope to interact a lot more as time goes, initially I suppose in asking questions and kibitzing :smile:, eventually, hopefully in providing some advice! Where I can assist now, before I have my "formal coffee experience", is if people have questions or need to chat about, regarding staff or people issues.

I look forward to visiting with you all. Jakk!
Hallo all: here is Henry from a world-class coffee source, East Africa. Will be linking with different interests to import great coffee, as I learn the art a day at a time; that tells you I am looking to launch into the business of importing and selling green beans. I live here in the USA and have links with very hard working farmers back home. Hope to find and share with interested individuals or groups here. Will be nice to learn a whole lot from you all.
hello Henry,
welcome to the forum.
I have read your posting, but somethings that I do not understand. so I have some questions for you.
1. which coffee country you are from? you said East Africa, but that is not exactly a country.
2. now you are living in USA, and you would like to import and sell green coffees in USA? will you be importing from your own country? from "very hard working farmers back home"? what kind of coffee you will be importing?
3. I will appreciate it if you can post some more information about your back ground and your business plans.

Alex from Ensoluna S.A.
Hey, I'm Mike, and I've been reading this forum for the last month, but havent registered until today. I'm a coffee lover and ex-barista. I'm trying to convince my workplace to buy a nice espresso machine so I can make the staff lattes every morning, but at the moment, all we have is a keurig :(
Maybe if you bring in your machine and make the boss a cup you will win the entire crew over... If not maybe you can set up a little coffee shop in the break room and sell lattes & espresso.
Try telling you boss that the business can write off the cost of the espresso machine as a business expense. It's necessary equipment.

The problem is that they (the bosses) have expressed interest in buying one, but haven't gone any further than that. They are looking at a Jura espresso machine, but it looks like they all have automatic wands. I could probably make a better latte with a less expensive machine, as long as I could control the wand.
Hi. I'm a coffee enthusiast in Tallinn, Estonia.
Looking for roaster to buy. Have been inside coffee business ~6 years now.
I have necessary knowledge for roasting. Interested in Probat, Diedrich or Gisen roaster(10-15kg).