
Hello all! I'm Kathy from a small town in NE Indiana. We had a coffee shop that closed a couple of years ago due to divorce and I thought someone would open one. I went out on a big limb and took a leap of faith and have opened mid-January. My grand opening will be May 3rd, so very excited about that. Have much to learn and stumbled upon this forum by chance. I was looking for a better chocolate to make mochas and hot chocolate. Started off with sauce and have went to Ghirardelli ground chocolate. Anyone have suggestions?
Hallo everyone,,,
Iam a barista and I run my own cafè,,, after 10 years,, Iam planing to start to roast...
right now Iam Learning how to roast with Master Roaster Umeå Sweden
I need more info about how to Roast from everyone here,,,,
thank you,
Hello All, I am a designer by trade. Formal education in Architecture and love all things design. I was introduced to proper coffee about 2 years ago and have since been on a binge of coffee indoctrination. I have designed odd shaped coffee bags, V60 brew set ups (the acrylic is hideous), a few conceptual coffee shops and have been home roasting for about 6 months. If I had the opportunity I'd learn the art and craft of roasting on a larger scale. Coffee is a fascinating world of art and design which is why I am drawn so hard to it. Thank you to all the roasters out there for your design ability when it comes to pulling out the flavors of the bean you are truly inspiring.

I found this site while trying to figure out how to more accurately roast the green I buy from
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I was looking for a better chocolate to make mochas and hot chocolate. Started off with sauce and have went to Ghirardelli ground chocolate. Anyone have suggestions?

Hello Kathy,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

You would get a better response to your questions if you post them in a thread that's already been started or in a new thread. Sometimes people just skim the posts in the Introductions area, and the questions within the posts get overlooked.

We have had many discussions regarding chocolate options. If you use the search feature at the top right corner of the screen, it will direct you to those topic areas.

Hello Budha and Too Tall,

Welcome! This is a great place to learn about roasting. We have a lot of members who roast coffee as a hobby, and many who do it professionaly.

Feel free to ask questions when you're ready.

Hello! My name is Graham. I'm a huge fan of independent coffee shops as I think they help bond our communities together. I am a principal at Kifa Bars and we seek to serve the independent coffee shop industry by offering premium, whole food bars that will delight your customers and increase your daily profits. Our coffee shop customers have had great success selling our bars as they have quick sell through rates and bring customers back. Kifa Bars are only made of natural ingredients you can pronounce and they have amazing texture and taste.

I am an experienced entrepreneur so I'll seek to add value to this forum by answering questions related to starting and running your business. I am also experienced in lease auditing so if any shop owner has any questions about how to make sure you're not overpaying on your lease please let me know. In addition, I will also be promoting Kifa Bars products on the B2B forum.

Hope to get to know some of you well through this forum! Thanks to the admins for putting this together!


Welcome Graham! Hope you enjoy this forum as much as I do....if you could keep the promoting of your product to the b2b it would be much appreciated!! Again...welcome!
Sarah_Lavender, you lonely (and most likely sick) person... you missed this thread.

Nope...she posted in this thread too right after your post. It looks like Topher banned her very early this morning. But, she seems to be re-appearing under several different names. I don't know how her posts are getting through the system.

We appreciate everyone keeping a watchful eye of the Coffee Forum!

Hello everybody!

My name is Jhon new in this forum, i am from Colombia and i will like to introduce my organic coffee and invite you to check our products, we roast specifically for each order, you will receive fresh coffee just let us know what you think about it, to help us give you the best.
Hi Jhon. Just a wee heads up. This is a spam free forum. There are lots of other roasters here to learn and help other learn...not to push our brand. Hope you enjoy the forum.
Awesome! Welcome to the forums. Loads of great people and info. Most people here are very willing to share! I wish I would have started from the top....oh well.