
My name is mike and I have just recently
found this . I have been home rotating at home for about a year. About 15 yrs ago in upstate NY I was introduced to someone referred to as the coffee nazi , I visited his shop and started my journey on finding great coffee. He wasn't the most personable but he new his coffee. A few years ago another friend started roasting at home with a popcorn popper, I started the same way a few months ago and now I'm hooked.
My wife and I are also building a business plan to open an in shop roasting cafe. Well that's a brief of who I am.

Hello "Theroastedbean" (Mike)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

Another member of this Forum mentioned visiting a Coffee Nazi, and I thought he was making it up. It sounds like this person actually does exist.

Your home roasting adventure may eventually lead you to creating your own roasting business. It takes a lot of consideration, planning, and knowledge (and money) to get something like that up and running. There is a lot of information here on the Coffee Forums website. I hope you will explore everything and ask questions when you're ready.

New guy checking in.

Just recently purchased a RK drum, My short term plans are to roast for myself and a few friends. I discovered this forum a few weeks ago and have been spending a lot of time here since. Pretty impressive amount of information, thank you to all the contributors here. I have received a very good education in a short amount of time, I'm looking forward to when I'm at the point where I have something to contribute and move more to a giver than a taker.

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

We have members from all over the globe, and some are from Turkey.

It's great that you found the Coffee Forums, and we hope you'll visit us often!

Hi, My name is Tom. I'm 65 I have been roasting for 20 years on machines from a sample roaster up to a 3 bag Probat. I currently am phased down to a Dietrich IR-18. I am starting to enjoy travelling more and more and being at my customers beck and call less and less. I still love coffee and roasting, though at times I feel it is like religion and can get dangerous if taken too seriously. My roasting business is now down to about 7,000 lbs a year, when I was 55 I roasted 1,000,000 lbs. and I realized that at some point or another I lifted those million pounds. I enjoy reading some of the forums, there are some people who know their business and know their coffee.
Hello Tom,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

I can see how, after lifting over a million pounds of coffee over the years, you'd enjoy slowing down and traveling.

We hope you'll hang around the Coffee Forums and share your knowledge with us from time to time.

I suppose I should have posted in this thread instead of creating a new one. (Mod, if you wanna delete my other thread, that's cool with me!).

Anyways, Hiya Folks!

I'm been addicted to coffee for ... well over 15 years, and addicted to coffee houses, coffee history and its culture for the last 10.

Looking forward to finding inexpensive ways to start a coffee house that emphasizes social creativity, the arts and community. Original, right ;-) ? I'm lucky to be in an area that needs it (400,000 residents in 10 square miles, with only 2 independently owned coffee houses??!!). My goal is to open a small coffee house (500ft2 to 1500ft2) for under $25k, by December 1st.

I've scoured this forum and have already found amazing info, and am looking forward to learn more!

Hello "incogitatus" (Tony)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website!

I'm not sure how successful you'll be at finding inexpensive ways to start a coffee house, but if you are, please share with the class!

Thanks Rose!

I'm not sure yet, either. Given the low leasing cost in my area ($0.75 sq ft, +free couple months go get everything in order), along with my proximity to a few dozen restaurant supply stores (i.e., used equipment [essept the expresso machine]), I think I can create a phenomenal coffee house and keep the start-up costs low. I will definitely share if/when/as it happens.

Hi! I'm a Newbie!

Welcome to the please use this thread to introduce yourself and welcome others to the site. A short paragraph about yourself, your likes, what brought you here and how you found the site is great :) Invite a friend or two -- everybody is welcomed!

Onto the Introductions..................

Good Morning from where the Eternal Spring thrives! (My heartfelt thoughts go out to the many people who are living/bracing the storms in our nation.)I came across this site on the Internet by happenstance. No one referred it to me. Looked like a nice site to join, and it reminded by of long ago when Prodigy Classic started up which was before the Internet way back in the early '90s. Same type of format. If anyone here may remember, we Prodigy users were timed out as to how long we could comment on that site or else we would b charged a certain amt $$ for that month.. OMG, we have really come a long way haven't we:grin:
To make this post short, my first really cup of STRONG coffee was while on a trip to Tahiti, Moorea/Club Med years ago. Ea morning we were served a huge/large cup of very strong coffee at breakfast as the French do. I couldn't get enough of that wonderful taste of coffee! From then I was hooked, never having been a coffee lover in the past.
Years have passed from then, now my tastes have turned to Starbucks's coffee.
At present, am in the midst of buying a new coffee/espresso machine. It will be either the Starbucks Verismo 600 (now on sale for $150.00 including frother at local store) or the Nespresso/DeLonghiPlus machine--$399.00. I have heard that the latter is coming out with a newer machine on or around Feb 23rd. Anyone else hear this?
Hope to chat with you all soon.
Hello everyone! My name's Danny and I'm from Seattle. I've been in to specialty coffee for awhile and for the past 6 months I've working towards turning what was a hobby into a sustainable business that may, one day, allow me to pursue coffee full time.

I'm looking forward to chatting and discussing all things coffee!