
Hi there!

My name is Michael Nguyen. I am from Vietnam. When I search on Google and see coffeeforum, I hadn't hesitated to register to the forum. I hope all of the members those who love drinking coffees will have a good space for discussing about coffee and coffee drinking styles of coffee lovers across the globe.


Michael - founder of wscafe[dot]com - Vietnam's wholesale coffee supplier.
I have enjoyed coffee for many years. In 2005 I bought a small commercial coffee roaster. I am on my forth version of an espresso machine. I bought a Salvatore two years ago. I have designed a small stainless steel manual coffee roaster, which has now become my everyday roaster.

My name is Stan I am in the process of importing estate size green bean coffee. I love coffee and although I import gem stones and Afghan rugs, my true passion is coffee. I have traveled all over the world and noticed coffee is always that common ground between different cultures. I plan on doing small scale roasting to send out samples to potential customers, if anyone can provide me information on sample roasters such as average costs and where to find them would be appreciated. Thank you.
Good morning. My name is Fred. My wife and I are thinking about opening a West Coast/San Francisco style coffee house/café in our home town in Kentucky. It is a small town on the banks of the Ohio River. By joining this forum, I am hoping to get some guidance in collecting enough of the right information to do a feasibility analysis. The analysis needs to be able to be pretty accurate on all of the start-up costs as well as the operational costs/revenues. I have already collected a lot of information (demographics, traffic rates, etc...) The concept for the coffee house is to create a coffee house/café in one of our older buildings in the downtown area. The interior will need to be warm and relaxing. A place where people can come in and enjoy having coffee with friends and family. I have lived in the West several times including Corvallis, OR, Washington state (east and west), and western Nevada about 3 1/2 hours from San Francisco (our favorite city). We want to create a coffee house/café here in the Ohio River valley that brings in that West Coast coffee house vibe. We want to be able to allow area artists a venue for their work. We want to serve coffee grown in a sustainable manner and is fair trade and is either locally or regionally roasted in small batches.
Welcome to all of our new members!

As you explore the Coffee Forums, you will see that we have a variety of discussion areas where you can post your specific questions. If you decide to post a new topic, please write a title that applies to your question. That way, people will be more likely to read and respond to your posts.

Heya All, New here to the site and glad to see some great like minded people in regards to our love for coffee! :coffee:

I manage a restaurant in Wa state and am saving to open my own business this year (2014). Can't wait and I enjoy learning so much about coffee in my spare time (5am to 7am lol!) I will be looking to open and roast my own beans with a small retail shop and coffeehouse if all goes according to plan. I live close to Seattle wa, and coffee is crazy here for sure!
Hi everybody. I am from Czech Republic and came acrossthis forum by a chance. I was searching for some information about coffee brewing and stuff.
My wife bought me a vintage grinder plus a set of single origin coffee test packs, so I started some experiments. By now, I found out that I need a better grinder. I have also ordered a Hario syphon, soI hope the real magic can begin :) Will deffinitely come back here to find some more info, as I am sure some more problems will emerge.

Cheers. Cestmir
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Hello "mcoole91" (Matt)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

Opening your own business, particularly a coffee roasting/coffeehouse is going to take a lot of work (and money). How far along are you with your plans? 2014 is just around the corner.

Hello "Cesinek" (Chestmir)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums! It's great that you found us.

It sounds like you are well on your way to making the coffee magic begin. I hope you will share your Hario syphon experiences with us. It will be interesting to see how it works out for you.
