
Hello, My name is Nicole I am from Texas and found this site while researching for getting started in the coffee business. I am interested and any helpful tips or information anyone can offer. Thank you!!
Hi! My name is Doug, work in a cafe and love coffee. I am interested in pursuing coffee as a career whether that is roasting, or owning my own specialty shop. Step one is just to research and be around coffee as much as possible. I live in Orlando and if anyone has any opportunities for me to get involved somewhere let me know! Glad to be here
Hello "douglycett" (Doug)


Since you work in a cafe, you're not totally new to the world of coffee. But, there is always so much more to learn and discover. This is a great place to do some research.

We have several members who are located in Florida. It's very possible that you'll make a connection with someone located in the Orlando area.

In the mean time, I hope you'll continue to explore the Forum, and be sure to ask questions when you're ready.

Hello everyone,

I'm a 58 yr. old father of 4 with 4 grand kids. I love coffee, cocoa, chocolate, you name it lol*.
I retail and wholesale Gourmet and organic coffee and teas', on and offline. It's great being able to offer people a healthier
alternative to something they enjoy so much.

Hi, my name is Kyle. I am from Arkansas! I enjoy coffee, cycling, learning, business, and traveling. I am opening a cafe in my hometown right now, which has been kind of difficult considering I am a full time student, employee, and intern. Nevertheless, i am lookinig forward to learning a lot and having some great discussions!
Hello "ktabor1" (Kyle)

Welcome! We hope you'll visit us often.

How close are you to opening your own cafe?

Feel free to ask questions and participate in the discussions here on the Coffee Forum.
