
Hello "sensuomark" (Mark)


You will find a lot of useful information here on the Coffee Forums website.

Please take some time to read through the posts, and when you write a response, it would be great if you could write more than a just few words of comment.

We also have a handy search feature that's at the top right corner of your screen. There is a lot to explorer here!

Hi all...

My name is Doug and I am an addict. I have been to rehab more times than I care to mention, but there seems to be no cure for this coffeeholic. I am hoping I might find a few other souls here who can relate to what I go through on a daily basis. I found this site while Googling "Sivitz Coffee" in search of information on Michael Sivitz coffee extract & extract equipment. See? My addiction is so advanced that I am now into the coffee addicts version of freebasing. I can't even look at a cup of decaf...aaarrrrgggg. Please someone help me!!!
Hello Mr.Peaberry (Doug)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

I'm guessing that you've been to rehab for addictions to substances other than coffee????

I've never heard of a rehab for coffee addiction. If there were such a thing, I'd imagine that they'd keep you there long enough to get you through the caffeine withdrawal and then send you home with a recommendation to continue psychological therapy if necessary.... and it sounds like in your case it's necessary!

People join the Coffee Forums to discuss how to enjoy the world of coffee. It seems like this isn't a good place for you to be hanging out, especially if you're trying to beat your caffeine addiction. (and I can't help but wonder if you're really serious about it)

I noticed in a couple of your other posts that you're researching information about making and selling coffee extract & extract equipment . . . Hummmmm..... It's an interesting turn you're taking.

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Hi PinkRose,

Nah...not looking to beat the coffee addiction at all, just having a little fun with the introduction. I've been buying whole bean coffee for my own use since the early 1970's, started home roasting coffee in a hot air popcorn popper, have taken some roasting classes, and at one time seriously considered opening a coffee store. Yes, I am intrigued with the coffee extract product & process, and was able to connect with another member who shares this interest almost immediately. Seems to me that this is a good group! Thanks for the welcome...Cheers! :coffee:
LOL! Guess I should be careful what I joke about...serious coffee lovers my not appreciate my humor!! :coffee:

Thanks...I think I'll pull up a chair then...
Exciting New Customer Loyalty Program, Check It Out -- Seriously


We are mVirtual Card -- a new customer loyalty program. We have developed software that allows your customers to store loyalty points on their smartphones. While a lot of companies have entered this space we offer three benefits over the competition.

  1. Custom -- unlike other apps that put your store as part of a general loyalty program, we will customize the app to your specifications, making an app for you. After designing the app we will launch your app (again, not part of some general scheme) in the App Store and Google Play Market under your company name . For example, say you own Joe's Coffee Shop, when customers want to download your loyalty card app, they go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for your app.
  2. Post Launch implementation-- Many times companies will launch their app -- either by themselves or through one of the "general" companies mentioned above -- and it will just sit there with no one downloading it. At mVirtual Card we realize that launching the app marks only the beginning of the relationship, and in order to make your loyalty program a success you will need to make sure your customers actually use your app. We have a lot of experience in "converting" these customers, and will tailor a unique program to make sure your customers use the app, which will in turn increase sales.
  3. Flexible Pricing Options -- We offer two pricing models, one that allows you to buy the app, and one that allows you to pay a monthly subscription fee. You know what your business needs, and we want to give you as many options as possible

Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction, and please don't hesitate to DM me for more information.


The mVirtual Card Team
Hey, my name is Paolo; I am a retired civil servant, Italian residing in Liberia (West Africa).
I am in contact with a couple of coffee farmers in Liberia and I am considering supplying liberica coffee to anyone who needs this type of coffee in commercial quantities.
I understand that liberica is maynly used to blend with Arabica and other coffees and quantities required may be small. However I am not really looking for big business.
Anything sufficient to help my farmer friends here will be sufficient.
Hoping to read you all soon,
Happy coffee time
Hi Gypsyluvr here, I am a coffe lover and own gypsy horses, thus the name. LOL I owned an espresso business from 1994 - 1997 and loved it, fixing to retire soon and want to get back into it. This time I want a mobile business though and looking at converting a horse trailer. I have a seen a few of them, most recently saw a post on here from someone named Coffeegoddess. Would love to see pics. I live in Arizona and want to specialize in horse shows, antique shows, dog shows and farmers markets. Hope to hear from some of you that have done this for awhile. Thanks and good luck to everyone.
Hi - my name is Elizabeth. My daughter and I are about 9 months away from opening a coffee & ice cream cafe at a medium-sized inland lake in Michigan. I've already learned a lot from reading through Coffee Forum posts! Thanks to whomever created the forum!
Hi everyone, Im very excited to be on this site. iam from Ohio and my husband, daughter and myself were going to start a mobile coffee business in Cleveland. Unfortunately, we got pretty far in the process,but are unable to continue at this time. : ( We already purchased a mobile coffee/smoothie/ sandwich van which is totally awesome! 2008 freightliner sprinter, excellent condition, only 13400 miles, and all the extras...ready to start a coffee business. But, we now must sell it. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone who might be interested, please let me know and i can send some pictures and more information. Also, does anyone know of a good site for selling coffee vans?