
Howdy from West Texas! I came by here looking for recommendations for coffee equipment for my home (the old Mr. Coffee is worn out), and I thought I might come across some intelligent conversation on a variety of topics.

I started drinking coffee when I was in college, forty forevers ago, and I pretty much have been a daily consumer of the delightful beverage ever since.

Straight black, nothing fancy, if you please!
Hey, everybody! I'm Dr. Nick!
OK, I'm NOT really Dr. Nick, my name is Jim. I'm a single, retired laborer, father, grandfather and I'm trying to find "the correct roast time for medium-roast Tanzanian peaberry (Tp) beans." I've been buying commercially roasted beans from CoffeeFools for several years and am quite happy with their product. However, I want to try roasting my own. I have a West Bend Crazy Air popcorn popper and about 2 lbs of Tp beans to sacrifice in my quest. Any help/info will be greatly appreciated. Any suggestion(s) for a better forum to present my quest in will also be appreciated.
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Hello "Peaberry" (Jim)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

I see you've already discovered the Coffee Roasters forum on this website. It's the best place to ask questions about roasting.

Have you taken a look at the air popper information on the Sweet Maria's website? You may find some helpful information there.
Air Popcorn Popper Method

Hi everyone, my name is Josee and I am fairly new to the world of coffee. I was a tea drinker up until my mid-40s and then just decided I was tired of tea. A co-worker introduced me to the Amaretto flavor from Green Mountain Coffee and I was hooked. Now I started a new ecommerce business for coffee single serve cups ( and am searching for the ultimate flavors. I originally came from CT but moved to the sunny state of FL to soak up the warmth and sunshine. I look forward to entertaining chats and will enjoy meeting you all!!!
Hello "KCupsYourWay" (Josee)

Welcome to the coffee Forums!

It's interesting that you mentioned amaretto flavor today.

This afternoon I mentioned to a co-worker that for a long time, (about a year or so) people weren't asking for amaretto syrup in their coffee, and the bottles were just sitting on the shelf. We were thinking of discontinuing offering that flavor after we used up what we had left. But about two months ago, people started asking for it again, and now I have to order more. I only ordered two bottles this time, and hopefully they won't sit on the shelf for another year.

It is funny how fads come and go. I was so sorry to see that Amaretto coffee flavor go. Glad to hear it is coming back. Hopefully they will make a KCup soon. Thanks for the warm welcome. Here's a wish that your two bottles of Amaretto syrup sell out fast LOL.
Hi im new here, so hello all. I cant see how to start a new topic! Im trying to find out what people know about the Korean handy home roaster, it looks interesting but I cant find any reviews or instructions anywhere. Id love to try home roasting but on a very individual way, im the only one in my household interested in this, so need something really small cheap and easy, does anyone know if that's possible. Thanks in advance :coffee:
Hello "onadonad"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

I did a quick search for a Korean handy home roaster, and I didn't find out much. But, I saw that a couple of them are for sale on E-bay, which means they exist.

Why have you selected this particular roaster? Have you explored any others? The Sweet Maria's website has a lot of reviews on a variety of rosaters, you may want to take a look there if you decide to explore other possibilities.

Hi Coffeelovers

I am Lalit from Mumbai India. I love my coffee and my Nesspresso Lattessimo my favorite Crus is Indrya. I just joined this forum and wanted to send my greetings to all the members and the Admin.

Happy Coffee Drinking:coffee:
Cool beans everyone, my name is Brian. I am new (signed up today) to this forum but have been reading it for some time. Been a roaster for ~6 years. Started as a home hobby, grew to a small garage hobby roasting for neighbors and bringing coffee to the office. On the cusp of moving up again in volume and felt it was time to build relationships and get / give any advice I can.
Hi all,
I'm new here (but you knew that, didn't you?). I'm actually a chocolatier with my own shop, but I'd like to add coffee and espresso-based drinks to the mix, so I'm trying to learn all I can. I appreciate the chance to be here.
Hello "Robdoc000"


You've come to the right place to find out about coffee and espresso-based drinks.

I imagine people will be requesting a lot of moca creations, especially since you're a chocolatier.

Do you sell other things along with your chocolates? I'm guessing people would want something other than chocolate to go along with their coffee. (or maybe I'm wrong)
