
Hi, my names Mona, i`ve been a member for a while now, but i was not here very much. i luv having my coffee......and a chat any time.
Thanks for having me, i`m excited to get to know every one.
Married for 8 years
I have 1 dog & 5 budgies
I luv, luv, luv, my coffee........:smile:
Hello, I'm Bruce from St. Helena Island. Joined today 7/4/13 after browsing the web for links to St. Helena Coffee and this is one of them. For some reason the "Enter" button doesn't work on this site to allow me to jump down to create a new line of paragraph, anyone know why? Thanks Bruce
Hello "ZD7VC"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

There seems to be a problem with some people being able to create paragraphs in their posts. I have no clue what's going on, but I'll try to figure it out and let you know what I discover.

In the mean time, please try this and see if it helps: (This is how my settings are, and I can create paragraph breaks)

Go to the top right of your screen and click on Settings
Scroll down, and on the left go to My Account
Click on General Settings
Then go all the way down the screen to Miscellaneous Options.
Check off Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls
Then scroll to the botton and click Save Changes

See what happens the next time you post.

I hope this helps.

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Good day every one. I am no stranger to forums, but I am new to this one. I came across it from the Tapatalk app on my device. I like to drink coffee, and the older I get, the more I appreciate it. I am here to learn more and get exposed to new blends, drinks and hang outs. Thanks for having me. :coffeemug:
Hello Everyone...Again! My last post was not completed before it was sent. I am new to the group and new to the world of coffee. I've been given the opportunity to market/sell Italian coffee in Michigan and am in search of a distributor.