
Distributor in Michigan...

Hello Everyone...Again! My last post was not completed before it was sent. I am new to the group and new to the world of coffee. I've been given the opportunity to market/sell Italian coffee in Michigan and am in search of a distributor.

Not sure if it she's in the market as a distributor, but in my hometown of Hillsdale there is a wonderful and well-visited coffee shop named Jilly Beans. Even if she's not interested herself, she'd probably be a great network connection. Good hunting!
Hi, I'm JavaTeasa a coffee lover from way back when. I remember drinking coffee just to help me make it through the midnight shift at work. Now that I think about it, that stuff was the pits! It had a bitter aftertaste, and no character. From there I 'graduated' to Maxwell House and bought my 1st Mr. Coffee, I had arrived. Having a cup of coffee before bedtime with my mom was precious, we would talk about our day and drink our coffee. Fun times. I'm a grad student majoring in Social Media Marketing, so coffee and conversation shapes my life. My gift is in photography, and I'm an avid travel and nature shooter. I look forward to having good conversations and a cup of Joe with y'all!
Hello, I am Maggie....My boyfriend and I we loooove coffee. He likes espresso and I drink it black (Arabic style, but without cooking it...just pouring hot water in the cup).
Well, Yoav (Baitner, my mate) makes tampers!! reall nice ones. Hand carved from green wood. He uses Cypress, Olive, Cherry, Almond, and more. They are unique, artistic and beautifull.:coffee:
Hello everyone.

I'm Amie, although I've used the nick amiable on bbs since the mid-90s. It only applies as a descriptor after I've had coffee, though!

I'm a barista right now, learning the business and the craft, and trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. One might think I'd know by now, since I'm in my mid-40s and have two degrees, but it's never too late, right? In 5-7 years, my family plans to relocate to an up and coming tourist town in NW North Carolina. So I'm here to learn about the business of coffee and cafes, the art of coffee roasting and blending, and how to put that all together one day in a way to at least break even. I need to learn what I need to learn, and fit that education into the next few years. There's a large commercial roaster in the area, as well as a few coffeeshops who roast and blend their beans, so I'm hoping for an apprenticeship later down the road, too.

Mostly I'm just happy to have found a group of folks who love coffee, and with whom I can fellowship and from whom I can learn.

Thanks for having me.
Hello Amie,

Welcome to the Coffee Forume website. You will find a lot of interesting and useful information here.

Keep reading and exploring, and you'll learn whatever you need to know. It's never too late to learn new skills and start a new career. It sounds like you're headed in the right direction.

Hi. I'm keanuhea71 (but my mom named me Chris). I'm a the owner/operator of small roasting operation here in Southern California. I've been at it for almost a year now, and I've found coffeeforums and invaluable source of information. Whether I'm looking for packaging ideas, business practices, or trying to gather info on a new coffee before I begin roasting it I've always found a relavent thread.

Up to this point I've been selling strictly online and to friends as I develop my craft and learn the complexities of coffee roasting and business. Now I'm beginning to branch out, seeking commercial clientele and trying to expand on the e-commerce side. If any of you have ideas regarding pitching a product to an established coffee house, commercial pricing, or developing an online coffee subscription package I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Hello "keanuhea71" (Chris)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums. It's great that you found us.

We have a lot of members who roast coffee, either as a business or a hobby. Feel free to ask questions when you're ready.

Hello "alank" (Alan)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

It's great that you and your wife both enjoy drinking coffee. It's always nice to share something special, and coffee is certainly in the special category.

We hope you'll visit us often.
