
Hello Tarnya,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

You will find a lot of useful information here. Feel free to participate in the discussions and ask questions when you're ready.

Hi All, posted my intro somewher else, but happy to repeat. I am from South Africa, super new to coffee as a whole. Need to lead in with that so I can refer back to this post when I ask novice questions. I am here to learn, share, chat and challenge thoughts an theories related to the coffee business. I do not know where I want to take this yet, have a entrepeneural spirit so there is definately a commercial interest, as well as just a strong passion for the culture and people associated with the whole lifecycle of coffee, Hi!
Hi, my name is Ambra and I'm from Italy living in Florida. I'm building a website on coffee so am doing research on anything coffee.
Hi All, My name is nvace and I am from San Diego, a long time coffee lover and I love the specialty micro roasters popping up everywhere! So much coffee so little time....
Hello "nvace"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

You're lucky to be in an area of the country where there are a lot of specialty micro-roasters. I imagine you're having a great time exploring different coffees!

My name is Scott. I'm a Micro-Roaster out of Eugene, Oregon. This is one of the best coffee forum's I've seen and I'm looking forward to being part of the community.
Hullo everyone; my name is Jackii. I'm from Southern California, which weather is never predictable.

I enjoy drinking coffee, but I want to widen my knowledge with coffee.
In addition, my closest friends and I are planning to open a small cafe shop in the future.

I'm glad that I decided to join, and I'm looking forward to learn about the wonders of coffee.
Hello "CaffeinatedRapscallion" (Jackii)

Welcome! There is a lot of useful information here.

We have a handy search feature that's at the top right corner of your screen. Just type in your topic, and you will find lots of topic areas and discussions that may be helpful to you as you learn more about the world of coffee.
