
Hello "Maups" (Maureen)

Welcome to the Coffee Forum!

What kind of coffee choices are you interested in? We have several members who are from Australia. Maybe someone will be able to provide you with some helpful information for your locality.

Hi PinkRose,
I guess presently I am very interested in different types of flavored Coffees and Coffee beans. These don't seem to be readily available in Australia like they are in America. I was in America for a few years and really enjoyed them.
I want to see more varieties available here. There are flavored varieties here you can buy online and in speciality Coffee shops, but not in general stores.
I am wondering if you may know where I could get flavored Coffee in larger whole sale quantities?
Hello again "Maups"

I see that you also posted your question in another area on this Forum, which is great because that way more people will see it. I'm hoping someone in Austraila (or someplace closer than the United States)will have an answer for you....even if it's a suggestion for a place to order your flavored coffee on-line.
Hi "thebeanexperience"

A Moka Pot is a staple in most traditional Italian kitchens. Rather than rely on expensive & complicated espresso machines (that many people can't afford) or going to a coffee shop, these inexpensive stovetop coffee makers allow the regular Italian coffee drinker to enjoy a cup of rich coffee that's very close to espresso at home.

Many call it espresso, but it really should be called a near-espresso or espresso-like. The Moka Pot steam-brews the coffee under pressure, but it's not as high as what's required to meet the official definition of espresso. However, the final results are very close to the real thing.

If you'd like to know more, I have a bunch of information on my site - the link is in my signature - or you can ask more questions here. If the site is slow to load, keep trying. My tech guy is working on the issue.
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Hi, I'm Rose and in the beginning stages of creating a website selling 'everything coffee delivered to your door'! I chanced upon this forum while researching online and am glad I did! I have found some useful info here. I'm open for advice from anyone who can help me out as I am a newbie. Thanks!
Hi all, I'm Elaine and have become a coffee junkie. Started home roasting as hobby, and always searching to make the perfect roast for the perfect cup. Like drinking fine wine, and I'm finicky about my coffee drinking experience. Looking to move up into the world of starting an on line and retail coffee shop. Searching to purchase a commercial roaster I can start with roasting at home location to get this up and running. Learning lots, and not sure if want to go with used propane or electric roaster. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Elaine from CT.
Hello Elaine,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website!

You mentioned that you are doing home roasting as a hobby. What kind of home roasting equipment do you have? Have you found the perfect roast for the perfect cup?

As you probably know, you can find a lot of useful information here. We hope you will visit us often.

Hello, my name is Woody. I drink coffee....and I am on a quest to find the perfect coffee cup currently I have a cup from a favorite rock-n-roll band, I got The Black Crowes - Remedy Mug from their site. My current fav-o-rite coffee flavor is from the local barista shop-Etcetera - they have a flavor called, "Organic Love Buzz" could I ever go wrong with that!
Hello "theperfectcoffeecup" (Woody)


Please feel free to share some photos of your collection of coffee cups.

I'm curious....What does "Organic Love Buzz" coffee taste like? Mint? Chocolate? Cheesecake? Apple Pie?
