
How do you do? My name is Paul. My wife and I have 2 coffee shops in the Colorado Springs area. She's the coffee drinker; I'm the roaster. Been doing this for about 5 years. We have two roasters, an IR-3 and IR-12. Coffee roasting is where I'll spend most of my time. I look forward to reading and posting.
Hello to all of our newest members!

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website! You will find a lot of useful (and sometimes entertaining) information here.

Feel free to post your comments or ask questions as you explore the Forum. We hope you will visit us often.

Hello "Shaefercd"

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website.

When you have your coffee website finished, please share it with us. In the meantime, we hope you will explore this Forum and post your comments or questions regarding the world of coffee!

Hi everybody,
I am a Hotel General Manager but planning to open my own business in Tunisia "COFFEE ROASTING" . I need your help and your advise.
Thank you
Hello "Mabrouk"

Welcome! This is a good place to find the answers to your questions.

Please take some time to explore the Coffee Forum website. You can use the search feature at the top of the screen to find messages and information regarding espresso machines, or whatever else you may be interested in.

We hope you will visit us often.

Hi, I'm Verna, I just signed up after I've run through this forum while searching for some coffee stuff. I'm from the Philippines and I just took over my family's coffee farm, I'm still getting a grip on how 'coffee life' is.. I hope I learn a lot from here :)
Hello "Verna"

Welcome! We're glad to see that you found the Coffee Forum as you were searching the Internet. You will find a lot of useful information here.

It must be quite an adventure to take over your family's coffee farm. I'm sure you will learn a lot and you'll feel better about it as the days go by.

We hope you will continue to explore this website, and feel free to ask questions whenever you have something that's puzzling you.

Welcome new members. Verna, do you have more info about your family's farm to share ? How many trees are there? What is the elevation? Are the trees grown under shade trees? Do you sell the cherry or perform all aspects of processing? If so, what style of processing?

Very exciting to find more farmers here on the forum as I too am interested in cultivating coffee.
Sorry, I don't know much about coffee roasters. I know they have open coffee roasters and enclosed coffee roasters. Our local roaster, who now out of business, used an open roaster with a blade sticking out to turn the coffee over.
I am interested in Espresso making machines small home style not expensive.

Hi Mabrouk!

Have you tried a Moka Pot? It's an affordable stovetop coffeemaker that brews coffee that's very close to espresso. I received one as a gift for Christmas last year and was so impressed I've started to sell them. They're awesome!

If you have any questions about Moka Pots, I'd be happy to help out!

JoyceKaa - I'd love to hear more about your coffee farm. I love to work in my little home garden, but I don't think you can grow coffee beans where I live.