
I look forward to sharing with everyone.
Among the numerous luxuries of the table…coffee may be considered as one of the most valuable,” adding, “It excites cheerfulness without intoxication; and the pleasing flow of spirits which it occasions…is never followed by sadness, languor or debility.”
said the esteemed nation-founder Benjamin Franklin

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line, behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." lamented comedian Dave Barry
Hello, my name is Frank and i practically live online! I love coffee, it let me surf many hours online to plenty of cool sites (for work and fun). I've joined several coffee forums today because i like to know what other coffee slurping addicts like to do and speak about! So, hello to all!
Hi! David from KEFEA coffee here. I'm really happy to be a part of a coffee community that understands the passion of coffee. Here at KEFEA we search for local coffee roasters, feature them on our main page for a week, and archive them as part of our KEFEA family of local roasters. Our customers get to enjoy new, good, quality coffee every week. Google KEFEA and check us out!

Also, you're a new cafe and are looking for some good beans, give us a heads up and we'll be able to provide some for you as well! Imagine a cafe with beans from all over the nation! That's the vision of KEFEA: Local Coffee, Nationwide!

Take care everyone,

I am happy I found this forum. I joined this forum in hopes to get every ones feed back. I am interested in opening up a coffee lounge in New Jersey. I have never worked in a coffee shop nor have I ever made a cup of latte. But I enjoy the atmosphere of coffee lounges and I do enjoy a cup of coffee ever day. I am in the midst of seeking machines to either lease or buy and the location. I am new at this and am open to any guidance you may have.


Paula from New Jersey :coffee:

Yeah I did this in another post but unfortunately I can not post links right now. I'm only 2 and soon to be 3. HA, HA, HA - I'm over 50... he, he, he.

Oh well, something has changed with my favorite coffees and I'm looking to find some GOOD coffee. It's NOT me either since I have some old REAL CANS, not plastic CRAP, that still have some coffee remains in them along with all the screws & stuff - AND IT SMELLS LIKE I REMEMBER NOT LIKE THIS STUFF PASSING ITSELF OFF AS COFFEE TODAY!!!

Sorry about that, but I'm MAD at all the crops that THEY are tinkering with and ruining - GMO CRAP! And THEY have done something to the COFFEE! Either tinkering with the genes or how it is processed and packaged. It is real bitter now, not like it used to. And I KNOW coffee, I've been drinking it for many, many years. I was in the military and never picked up smoking but coffee & beer. I KNOW beer too and prefer things like Guinness which looks like coffee; and I do not like it ice cold either but prefer to be able to taste it.

Enough ranting. Maybe someone could suggest a GOOD COFFEE...?

Oh yeah, I no longer live in the BIG CITY and do not have access to gourmet coffee shops. I pretty much have WallyWurld and Krogers. So my hope of finding good coffee again is probably a lost cause.
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My name is carlos. I am a coffe lover just like everyone else is. I currently live in Texas, however, I am moving to Southern California soon with hopes and dreams of opening a coffee shop with a few twists. I am here to read all about coffee and hopefully attain some insight on the coffee business. I look forward to learning from all of you.
Hello everyone my names is Jayla... I someone told me about the coffee forums and I stumbled on this one. It looks like a nice place to do business. That's what brought me here. I am also looking for people that I can connect with as friends. If you can make a friend out of a business partner then you have a good business so I will be posting in the b2b section of this forum. Hope to find some of you there. This place is new to me so I would like some feedback from anyone. Good, bad but not disrespectful Thank you.
Hello everyone! My name is Camille and I love coffee! I live in the United States, and I have lived all over from California to New Jersey. My husband and I are getting ready to move to Portland, Oregon and I cannot wait! Great site too ! :coffee:
Redeeming coffee, one bag, batch and brew at a time!

At about the age of 14, I forced 2 mugs of horribly bitter, black coffee down my throat. That was when I evolved from coffee-flavored milkshakes to black coffee. About 15 months ago, a friend showed me how he roasted coffee out of a hot air popcorn popper. Days later, I found myself in a Goodwill, buying my first "roaster" for $4."I've never liked coffee without sugar and cream until I had yours!" is the response that made me take roasting seriously. For about 7 months, I've dedicated myself to roasting, and learning how to roast, the best possible coffee with whatever I can get my hands on.My immediate goal is to get my hands on a commercial-style roaster in the next week or so, and take this hobby to a commercial level.I'm inspired to read stories on this forum that are similar to mine. In no way am I so dissilusioned as to consider myself a prodigy; like many of you, I will be pouring myself into this craft so as to "get on with it already!" now, and not "when I have [this or that]".
Devin, Once you have your commercial coffee business up and you are selling. I could be interested on selling your roasted coffee on the internet for you. You may also help me by letting me know what brand of home coffee roaster you are using or like the best. You may be interested in:
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