
ACRM (American Coffee Roasting Machinery) is the new distributor for Has Garanti in the US. We took over the business from our dear friend Chris Crain at Delaware City Coffee Company after he finally lost his fight with the big C in July.

We have joined Coffee Forum to add our two cents worth to discussions about coffee roasters and in particular to provide some balance to discussions about the pros and cons of Turkish roasters.

We have been owners, roasters and provided service to these machines for five years with DCCC and are proud to represent HG in the US!
Thank you for that... good share.... :) .. anyway, this does make sense:

Yes is makes sense to be responsible and not be an experienced coffee preparer. Responsibility has nothing to do with experience.Welcome to all the new members.

I too am learning more each day about cultivation, processing, roasting, brewing and the many other aspects of coffee. Coffee prep is an artform I am amazed when I go into some of the coffee houses near me.

Caffe Amouri in Vienna, Va is one of notable mention recently featured in the Washington Post. They Roast beans from around the world several times per week offering the freshest coffee.
Greetings from the tiny island of Cyprus. New to the forum. I have been browsing for the last couple of hours, and I must say this place is brilliant!

I've always been a coffee drinker, but in the last few months I have developed a fascination with the world of coffee. I am trying to learn everything about it from agriculture to grading, roasting to profiling. I realize now what a vast body of knowledge there is out there, and it's a case of too much info too little time!!

Thanks to the admins and members for creating such a great web space where we can learn and exchange our love for the wonderful little seed.
64 different drinks

Hi Everyone,
My name is Joyce and am the owner of CoffeeMakersShop. I love to write and just wrote an article on the 64 Different Coffee Drinks that are the same around the world. Some may have a different name because of the language or a slight variation for local taste. It is on e-zine if you would care to read it.
Hi, I introduced myself a few days ago (Russell). I just wanted to give more info. I have been recovering from hip surgery since the beginning of November. I bought the book Uncommon Grounds. One thing lead to another and now I am hooked on roasting. I only have a hot air popper for now but still I am having a blast. There is so much to learn and so many possibilities to roasting coffee. Thank goodness I found your forum. I could stay here for hours reading..... Hopefully, this will lead to the career change I have been looking for.
Hi, my name is JoyceKaa. What info were you trying to find about a coffee machine. Maybe, I can help.

Well this picture pretty much sums up my life:

Was that picture allowed? hmmm... I have mixed feelings on this forum. :?
Why can't we have off-site avatars?
Why is it so sinful to post anything from the web, especially links? I have seen many times where a link would be most helpful to someone. Also I have seen posted interesting news tidbits where a paragraph of the most relevant part is posted, included with a link to the source.
I came here to find info on a coffee machine. But if no one is allowed to post a review or a link to one, what is the point? :?

This is my first post.