
please answer the following questions: Do you or anyone you know drink Coffee:? How do you drink your coffee? Black or with cream and sugar? Where do you purchase your Coffee? Starbucks, Donkin dounuts, or Burgking? When is the last time any of the places paid you to drink there brand of coffee? Well let me introduce you to the coffee that pays. Mr. Wade 786 587-7578.

Hey everyone! I love coffee. A friend just introduced me to this awesome breakfast cereal that has all the caffeine and wonderful taste of coffee. I thought that all you coffee crazies like myself might want to know about it! It's great! I love the stuff. : ) : ) I would post the link, but I am still under 5 replies.
Hello, my name is matt and I am an avid coffee drinker and purest at heart. I am passionate about the environment, my food and my country and making life simple again. This said I have created a product that focuses on my passions.
Using the wide mouth mason jar, Sans Bottles has created a glass travel mug or beverage container for any beverage from hot to cold to replace your nalgene or metal bottles. With commercially available($0.50 or less) 16 and 32 oz jars, our lids and sleeves that are available is several options create a pure, drinking container without worries of changing the taste like metal cups or BPA in plastic and will be kept warm or cold for a long time.
Why I am writing here is the idea we have of using these mugs with a deposit/exchange system in coffee shops. Instead of having to rinse out a customer's nasty travel mug they would come into the store with their complete Sans Bottle and their coffee would be poured into a fresh mason jar and exchanged for the one that is currently in the sleeve. Screw on the lid with handle or without and out the door they go, reducing paper cups usage and attracting repeat customers to your store daily. We think this would be a great way of increasing reusable mugs and have launched our company product on kickstarter here

Most importantly we would like to hear some feedback on this idea and its feasibility. Thank you so much and for further information check out:
Hello, my name is matt

Hi Matt. Welcome to the obsession.

We think this would be a great way of increasing reusable mugs and have launched our company product on kickstarter here

Most importantly we would like to hear some feedback on this idea and its feasibility. Thank you so much and for further information check out:

Matt, I think this is a great idea. I use a stainless steel travel mug as I am not fond of any plastic options. Glass is a fabulous choice for a drinking vessel if reasonably protected from breakage on the go. What of replacement contingency from the coffee houses that adopt this program? Is there anything in that realm to make a new user feel like they have some sense of 'insurance'?


Looking at the images above, my first question is, what keeps the 'flip cap' from hitting the user in the face? (One of my pet peeves with mobile beverage containers).

This looks like a great idea. I wish you all the best of luck.

As I embark upon a coffee business, I might consider aligning with sans too. Keep us informed.
We're a couple entrepreneurs in Northern California, working on a new site to help people discover great local and regional brands.

We're also coffee fanatics (you could say we're one of those "third wave" types), so looking forward to reading and contributing! Toss us a message anytime!
My name is CampucaCoin. I recently purchased a small coffee farm in Honduras and have been seeking out as much information is possible. I am currently looking into all the necessary steps to import my coffee into the United States which is what lead me here. I am excited to discuss coffee with whoever may be interested. I know I have LOTS to learn.

Good morning everyone! My name is Andrew and I own a coffee company Simple Joe Coffee. Our value is in elegant simplicity where are beans are premium arabica from all over the world. We roast beans fresh daily and shipping them straight to people all over the US. Our slogan...Great Beans, Fresh Roasts, Straight to You!

Thanks and look forward to being a member.