
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

shadow745 said:
robhatesgaggia said:
Hello my name is Rob,a very disgruntled Gaggia owner.Just finished work,12.54 in the morning and this Gaggia Baby Twin is still bugging me,please read my message on the coffee machine section and give me your opinions.By the way,thanks Alun.

So, you hate Gaggias? To be honest the Twin leaves something to be desired. The higher end of Gaggias are on par with any home machine and Gaggia also makes some great commercial machines as well. I'm a member over at the GaggiaGroup and some there don't think too much of the Twin.

Exactly what is your issue(s) with it? Later!

I thought Rob said he was a very distinguished Gaggia owner... just kidding.
Shadow, you can check out Rob's dilemma here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8303
Undergrind Roasters from Texas

Hello all.

We're David, Nick, and Ronnie from Denton, Texas. We've been roasting for nearly a year now and are finally getting serious after some real bad luck. We supply a large cafe in a college town, sell retail, hope to supply more locally, and are slowly working our way towards the black.

Nice to meet you all. We have somewhere between a thousand and a billion questions, its a love/hate thing.

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi David, welcome aboard the Coffee Forums.

I see you're already finding your way around the forum quite well and I'm looking forward to reading more about your coffee roasting adventures.

Don't be a stranger.
always looking to improve

Hi, I've been home roasting for a couple of years with a Hottop. I've loved it but think I'm not roasting correctly. Dropping beans when it beeps at 176f taking most beans to second crack for a few seconds, eject about 420f (machine only goes to 428f). Is this correct? Many times my coffee is flat - still really good. What do you think?
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi! I am ZeeBigTourist.. I am a coffee junkie. I've tried so many coffee variants already but I think I still have more to learn. I haven't tried Civet Coffee though. I'm still scared sh**less. Pardon my french.

Thanks for this forum and hello to all 'ya guys!

(URL Removed from Signature by PinkRose)
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello "ZeeBigTourist"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums. You'll find lots of information here.

As you read through the forum topic areas, you will see that there are lots of forum members who have tried Kopi Luwak coffee and have survived the experience. One day you may "take the plunge" and give it a try too.

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

hey there...just wanted to say to the forum! i'm just going to apologize in advance for any 'forum foux-pa's that i commit...:) i do want to ask about the signatures in this forum, what's allowed in them and what's not?...i thought i understood, but i noticed some ppls signatures that seem to contradict my interpretation of the rule...please clarify, cuz i'd hate to offend ppl from the jump lol...thanks tons!!!

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi Marketinggremlin, Welcome to Coffee Forums.

Regarding your question, which is a common one, signatures simply may not contain a url. Here, check this out... this is from the forum rules page:

3. Signing your name is allowed, however URL dropping in signatures is disallowed and will be removed. Your profile can contain a URL however it may not be referred to. We do this because signature lines take up a lot of space and make it harder for people to see the next post.

Here is a link to the Rules page in its entirity:

If you would like your website to be viewed, there are a number of ways to accomplish this:
- Enter your website url in your profile and it will show up under your user name with every post you make.
- Offer your website up for review in the Coffee Websites section of the forum (of course, it should be somewhat related to the coffee industry).
- If you would like to advertise a promotion from your website, post about it in the Business to Business B2B section of the forum.

The point is to make it possible for moderators to weed out obvious spammers in the forum. And trust me, there are just about as many spammers trying to get in as there are quality contributing members.

So, enjoy your stay and if you have any questions or concerns about the forum or its members, feel free to contact a moderator. :D
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello, My username is nuburrgrnd and I go by Flo and I'm new to this forum. I have already posted a question on espresso machines in another thread. So anyone wanting to comment I'd appreciate it. I've been making my espresso for about 2 months and am in search of a grinder. So Hello.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello "nuburrgrnd" (Flo)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums. You will find lots of information here.

You can research all sorts of topics by going to the search option at the top of your screen and typing in a search topic (such as burr grinder) There have been a few discussions on the topic, and you may find a quick answer to your questions by reading the discussion pages. You'll probably discover that you enjoy exploring the forum threads so much that you'll lose track of time.

Have fun, and I hope you visit often.

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

hey guys this is Jason. i am new in this forum site , i love drinking coffee so i guess everyone can trade an information regarding cofee from this site

How sweet the words of Truth, breathed from the lips of Love.

*wedding favor urls edited out by moderator, due to forum rules*
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

hey guys! I am new here...I have been drinking coffee since pre-school! haha...but now I am sad because my dentist told me to stay away from coffee for the time my family is having a blast betting against my success. Wish me Luck! I will need it...