
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

My name is Jim, I'm a newbie to the roasting world-just here to try to learn from others. I am a survivor of a near-fatal brain injury (Massive Acute Subdural Hematoma) in '08. I now appreciate every minute of every day, and every DROP of good coffee! I am slowly emerging from the "fog", and thought this would be a great hobby. Thanks for your time. Also, in advance-forgive me if I ramble or repeat myself!
Jim Caudill
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello Jimi,

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website.

It sounds like you've certainly enjoying the world of coffee! We don't see to many new members who are already roasting their own beans.

I'm glad you found us, and I hope you spend the rest of your life enjoying the pleasures that life has to offer....including great coffee!

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello all, my name is James and I am new to the coffee forum world. I am from south Mississippi and have not had much of a chance to sample fine coffee but I aim to change that. I get my coffee from Raphael's roastery and PJ's. I have even tried their sister company New Orleans Roast and have enjoyed their products. Folks only real choice for coffee here is Community aka "heathen coffee" or Folgers. I hope to learn alot on here
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

I gave up drinking coffee a long time ago. Now I simply infuse my system with an IV and drag around a tank of caffeine.... can't consume enough merely from sipping it....

I do thank God every day for not burdening me with caffeine related issues. Seems I can consume upwards of 1,000mg daily with no ill effects. That is not an exaggeration either. Gives me the natural boost I need without side effects. Only time I ever had "too much" if there is such a thing for mere mortals is awhile back when I was cupping with my roaster. Most people spit out what they cup, but not me. I say why waste all that flavor and caffeine. Not only was I consuming all of that, but we did some shot pulling after that, in which I consumed 6-8 doubles... was pretty much good to go then. Good thing is I will be making a return trip there tomorrow to work our a signature espresso bland. Trying to unite Brazil Ipanema with Ethiopia Sidamo, best of both worlds IMO.... Later!
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello my name is mawilcox76. I am from the California. I found this site due to researching coffee grinders. I am in the midst of planning a coffee business and am looking for good information of coffee machines. Especially with grinders and advice will be received with appreciation.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi all, I am ppakolo from Toraja Indonesia..I am a coffee lover and in my place coffee is such a great tradition. Maybe you have heard Toraja kalosi coffee, which is already famous internationally, in my place there are many kinds of them (one of the best is pulu-pulu).
I hope in this forum I can get many great discussion about coffee and I hope I can market my toraja coffee product internationally:)

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi my name is Jane. I'm from Toronto and I am an avid coffee lover. I've been drinking coffee since before I probably should have. But now I'm taking that love for coffee and trying to turn it into a business. I'm planning on opening my own cafe soon. I joined this forum hoping to get ideas and advice from others in a similar position and just have good discussions on coffee.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

well you came to the right place for ideas! Welcome to the forums. My first question is you said you started drinking coffee at an age that was probably too I guess dipping my kids pacifier in crema from espresso was not a good idea? :wink: