
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Yeah shadow745 here...... I'm a coffee addict like so many others here and elsewhere. I started this addiction back around 1995 in an effort to find more natural energy for bodybuilding/powerlifting. Started with instant and that lasted oh.... about 2 weeks. Then onto drip, then drip grinding my own beans for drip(now we're talking), then to a steam "eXpresso" machine like so many people call them and I was OK with that for 7-8 years. Then about 3 years ago I bought my first pump espresso machine and that was soon followed by a conical burr grinder and then I really got interested. Well about 2 years ago I bought a KitchenAid Pro Line espresso machine and matching grinder and started making modifications here and there to fine tune them. I was also constantly scouring the Internet and bookstores for more and more info. Just couldn't get enough of this awesome new hobby. Along the way I started experimenting with new fresh roasted beans and started weaning myself off milk-based concoctions until I really started to enjoy straight double ristrettos (my favorite). About 3 months ago I was looking in our local county-wide chatlist and there was an ad for a barista at a local espresso bar. Long story short I somehow impressed the owners greatly and they hired me on the spot. Now I get to play (I mean work) on a 3 group LaMarzocco Linea, a Nuova Simonelli grinder and have been given the task (a tough one, whew) of deciding on what beans we should be using. I actually feel appreciated for doing something that I consider to be so simple because it's a daily thing for me to do at home as well. I'm here to say you can get paid to do something you really like. Great thing is I use my tip money to buy my beans and I get them dirt cheap and only hours from having been roasted.

Also would like to say I've met many friends on this forum. I came to this forum looking for info and now I'm able to help others from the experience I've gained over the last 2-3 years. I'm a firm believer that we all learn something new each and every day. Later!
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi Shadow745,

Thanks, so much, for sharing your coffee adventure with us. Your passion for learning and your love for good coffee certainly paid off. It's great that you now get to work in a job that you enjoy so much.

Your participation in the coffee forum has been a huge bonus for all of us. It's been a pleasure to have you as a member!

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi PinkRose,

Yeah I find it funny that before 1995 I cared NOTHING for anything coffee. Now I can't get enough of it. You just never know.

Like I said in that post I have met lots of great people to chat with because of this love of the bean. Actually have a great out-of-state friend that I met on this forum several years ago. He was widowed and looking for help with a steam espresso machine. I slowly talked him into buying (that's what he said anyway) several pump machines and he lucked up one morning and found an Olympia Cremina lever machine at a yard sale for $3. I rebuilt it for him and he made a pact that if he dies first he's willing it to me. Now that is a great friend. Maybe morbid, but still awesome IMO. I also have Edward "Caffe Biscotto" as a great friend and chat with him often via e-mail. He is a great addition to this forum and I think he makes everyone feel right at home here. He also makes some kicka$$ biscotti.

I like to think I help others. I did first start visiting forums to learn and listen to others, but have learned alot through reading and experimenting and now I help when I can.

What part of Philly are you from? My wife grew up in a crappy neighborhood in Philly called Kensington. May have been nice 50 years ago, but not so nice now. She had the determination and work ethic to work her butt off and move elsewhere. Later!
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!


Tom here from lovely northern MN. I thought I should put in an introduction since I've been posting for a few months now. My wife and I own and operate a small coffee shop.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

shadow745 said:
I also have Edward "Caffe Biscotto" as a great friend and chat with him often via e-mail. He is a great addition to this forum and I think he makes everyone feel right at home here. He also makes some kicka$$ biscotti. ...Later!
Shadow, you are one super dude. Keep rockin' the world of espresso, my friend.

tletourneau said:
Tom here from lovely northern MN. I thought I should put in an introduction since I've been posting for a few months now. My wife and I own and operate a small coffee shop.
Thanks for the introduction Tom. We've certainly appreciated your participation in the forum. Hope to see more from you and about your coffee shop, as days go by...
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi all,

I was browsing about how to do the coffee business in Australia and then found this nice forum...
I hope, I can find a lot of colleagues as I need some help from the experts...

Best regards,
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hey guiez! I'm Ditherliss, a name I made from the word "Dither" and the Paper Mario 2 Character "Doopliss". I came (lol) here because I was extremely bored, so I remembered this place and joined (and there were no Death Notes around)! I'm a coffee addict as you might guess, and I drink coffee most of the day, including night times. I'm pretty shaky like Tweek because of it, heh. My brain is loaded with Meme so it's kinda hard for me to get in a serious conversation. I'm also Bipolar, apparently. I might be your worst member so don't get your hopes up with me Slick![/doopliss] But then again it differs from how everyone else is. I'm thinking you guys are the kinda boring corporate types, but what do I know? I'll give it a shot!
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hi Ditherless. Yes, there may be a few "boring corporate types" in here. If you have a look around, you will see that this forum takes all types. For the most part, we have a lot of information to share, from all areas of the coffee industry, in this forum. Underneath it all, we're just a bunch of wacky coffee enthusiasts, who enjoy discussing coffee related topics...

Welcome to Coffeeforums!
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Greetings Earthlings! I'm a musician and writer who's been roasting my own beans for about 6 years now and have been living for the past 4 years with a Gaggia Synchrony Super-Auto as the home coffee machine. I've recently become inspired to dig a little deeper into the world of coffee and have been putting together my first 'serious' espresso station. Since one of my interests as a creative person is process – how we go from a creative impulse to a finished piece – I'm starting out with an old Arrarex Caravel lever machine and a hand grinder so that I can dig deeply and as hands-on as I can get into the process and flow of creating a shot of espresso. I'm also intrigued by the 'zen' aspects of handmade espresso - sort of a moving meditation where the end result is coffee.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello GVDub,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums! It sounds like you're already off to an interesting start as you explore the world of coffee. You'll find lots of useful information here, and we hope you'll visit often.

Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

Hello my name is Rob,a very disgruntled Gaggia owner.Just finished work,12.54 in the morning and this Gaggia Baby Twin is still bugging me,please read my message on the coffee machine section and give me your opinions.By the way,thanks Alun.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!


Rob, welcome to Coffeeforums.
Re: Welcome, Introduce Yourself!

robhatesgaggia said:
Hello my name is Rob,a very disgruntled Gaggia owner.Just finished work,12.54 in the morning and this Gaggia Baby Twin is still bugging me,please read my message on the coffee machine section and give me your opinions.By the way,thanks Alun.

So, you hate Gaggias? To be honest the Twin leaves something to be desired. The higher end of Gaggias are on par with any home machine and Gaggia also makes some great commercial machines as well. I'm a member over at the GaggiaGroup and some there don't think too much of the Twin.

Exactly what is your issue(s) with it? Later!