
Hey guys. Looks like I am the first one to post here in a few months.

Anyways, I drink way more coffee than I should and much of that coffee is no good unfortunately (grocery store beans).

Years ago I worked at a coffee bar and now I work promoting coffee bars and local business in Chicago.
Hi Everyone!

New to the forum

Own a successful drop shipping site and supply many local coffee shops with coffee, Monin, Ghiradelli and service work.

I''m a forum moderator for a web site building forum.

Hope I can make some friends and learn more about the coffee world

Welcome to coffeeforums guys (pbasskalas & TopBean).

TopBean, it looks like you have the makings of a great forum on your coffee locker website. I like the color contrasts of the text and backgrounds and the overall arrangement. Is it active yet?
This single sticky thread has absorbed 245 posts and received 102,000 views to date.

Many members, including myself (eh... kinda), introduce themselves, haphazardly throughout the forum and don't receive a proper welcoming.

Is it too late to enter a new, separate room for "Introductions", where new members can easily click in, from the index page, to introduce themselves???
Welcome Top Bean!

Hi Randall,

I'm Pat, AKA Mako Shark on the forum. I was perusing your website with interest, and noticed something that I want to ask about.

Under your FAQ section, down at the bottom you have a paragraph about 12oz vs 16oz packaging.

12oz. VS 16oz. Coffee

A large number of retailers sell coffee in 12oz. packages which retails between $9.00 - $10.00 per bag. Since there is 16oz. in a pound you would be paying about $13.33 per pound for their coffee. That's Aprox. .70 cents per cup. Our Coffee is sold in 16oz. bags for the same price. The Coffee Locker's price per cup would be .41 cents. It's Easy, Great Coffee at a better price.

When I read this I became confused. I don't understand your calculation of price per cup. I know what your getting at, and why you pack into 16oz packs. I just don't understand how you arrive at .70 and .41 per cup.

Here's my calculus:
$13.33 divided by 16oz equals $0.833 per oz.
$0.833 times 2.5oz (portion size for a pot of coffee) equals $2.08 per pot
$2.08 per pot divided by 64 fluid oz equals $0.0325 per fluid oz
$0.0325 per fluid oz times 8 (fluid oz in one cup) equals $0.26 per cup

The same calculation on $10.00 per pound would bring you to $0.195 per cup. It's the same argument, just a different conclusion as to price per cup. Were you referring to a dry cup measure of ground coffee? Maybe that's where I'm confused.

Anyway, if I'm confused others might be too. It might be worth another look.

By the way, I don't mean to be critical of your site. I think it's effective and well organized. You look very substantial. And as you've said, business is brisk. Excellent!

hey everybody!

Sounds a little Doctor Nick but hi all the same.

Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is James and am a recent addition to the forum. I developed a real love for coffee over the years (maybe an addiction!) and wanted to meet other coffee lovers and try and to add something to the coffee community through my website

i look forward to talking to you all about coffee while enjoying a nice cup myself.

take care all

I have arrived!!

I''m just an avid supporter of the go juice that fuels my every morning (and sometimes evening, and sometimes all night). But now I get to talk with people about it too! Its so exciting I can barely contain myself.

But anyways, coffee is in the family blood, so it is my mission to learn. Just clicking through all the topics though, I think I might need a bigger sponge.

I''ll be seeing all of you around!
Are you an alien?

Welcome to the forum, Iampatches. Go juice is always in my chemistry, especially in the morning when I wake. I can't help you with a bigger sponge. I think the one you have will likely expand as needed.

First question ... are you an alien? I had to ask. If so you should move with all haste to the Coffee Roaster's section. Oh, you probably already know that.

But unless you are a CCafe plant you are probably an innocent newbie. Be careful. There are dangerous Cannibalistic Alien Clones around here, lurking in dark places. They are very scary. Otherwise this is a pretty friendly bunch. Welcome.

Ah expansion and contraction. These things often occur for me not too long after my first few cups of coffee in the morning.

To your other point Mr Shark, how could I possibly know if i truly were an alien, how can any of us know is my question. I am sure any one of us could be a sleeper agent capable of waking up at any moment.

All I know are the facts, I drink my coffee almost exclusively black. I feel the urge to spread my taste, if I were a coffee bean I would not only eat another of my species I would also eat myself.

I may just be a fanatic but maybe just maybe.......

(For more information on this exciting adventure search for Alien Abduction posts!)
I get more contraction than expansion, unless its right after dinner, then things could get a bit more expansive than contractive.

iampatches13 said: "I were a coffee bean I would not only eat another of my species I would also eat myself."
Nicely said man. I'd coat myself in chocolate first, then start by first consuming the parts of me that weren't exactly needed for immediate survival. :D

Stick around, we need more of your kind in the forum. Lots of good members here to share coffee stories with. Some visit rarely, some frequently, but they're all knowledgeable on the topic of coffee.

Welcome to coffee forums iampatches13!! :D