

Hi every one,
Nick from Hampshire U.K. here.
I can''t start the day without an industrial sized cup of coffee in the morning, wouldn''t function at all without it, lets hope that coffee drinking never gets to attach the opprobrium that is nowadays reserved for smokers, (yes, I love a cigarette with my coffee as well). :D
You got that right!

It seems like yesterday that I was a kid happily chewing on candy cigarettes.
What we enjoy today may very well be the next crime/scam of the century.
Coffee may have to be bought and sold on the black market for $300/oz., unless you have a medical prescription.
We'd communicate using code in a secret coffee junkie forum.......
Nah! The governments will allow it, they'll just tax us to death for it.

So, Welcome from Massachusetts, Nick!
Thanks for the welcome davidsbiscotti.
Too true, why ban something when you can tax it!
If we tried to follow every report put out by medical researchers with various axes to grind we'd all end up in the nut house. For every report that comes out saying so and so is bad for you, another is published saying so and so is good for you.
If they do ban it, I'll claim that coffee helps my digestive system (in a way better than prune juice would), it helps my chronic fatigue and makes me a happier and more productive citizen.
They'll have to give me a prescription. They can call it medical mochalatte. :D
nickmuso said:
For every report that comes out saying so and so is bad for you, another is published saying so and so is good for you.

Latest example of this. For years we've been told to keep out of the hot sun, wear factor 5,000 or whatever sun block because of skin cancer. Well guess what? New research from Sweden which has been confirmed by research elsewhere including the States says one of the best preventions against catching cancer, including skin cancer, is vitamin D contained in, you guessed it, sunlight. Sunbathing is now good for you as long as you don't burn yourself apparently.
I don't think I've ever seen someone actually quote themselves. :D

Good point though about the sun. I haven't had any trouble with the sun. I find it energizing. I grew up in Sunny California and have been missing it for a long time now. No skin cancer yet and I had plenty of sun there.

So, anyway........ Coffee forum............ Coffee.............

Oh yes, Coffee tables. You make them? Why are they called "coffee tables"? For practical purposes, mine should be called a remote control table or just a foot rest.
Caffe Biscotto is the name, but you can call me Caffe Biscotto. Glad to be here, amongst so many others who apparently share my affinity for this hot, black energy drink we all know and love as coffee.

Enjoying a cup of coffee each morning became a vital part of my every day ritual as a teenager. I remember when my Dad would wake me up early each morning (we're both early birds). Our times together over a cup of coffee were some of the most memorable and peaceful times of my life. To this day, coffee will always remind me of good times.

So, I've introduced myself to the forum. Now I'd like to say, let the drinkin' begin, you awesome bunch of coffee drinkers you!!!
I am not into giving out my real name, so my sign on name is all you get :grin:

Age 31, have been drinking coffee since around the age of 10. Love it. Cannot get any simpler than that. Live in Central Illinois. Am about to purchase my own home roaster because I have had it with coffee from the store, Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, you name it, it''s old and rancid, NOT FRESH, it''s just plain crap.

I am ready to take the big, bold step of getting the freshest coffee possible and paying for those great inexpensive green beans.
Hey all, new here!

Great forum everyone! Im pretty new to home coffee roasting and just moved up from a hot air roaster to a larger capacity rotisserie basket for my grill. Im constantly learning all there is to know about roasting coffee and making great blends. Im looking forward to learning more.