
Hi! I am Brent I have been here for a couple of weeks now and I absolutely love this site. I am night Dispatch for a transport company so coffee is my best friend. I have been a coffee drinker for around 25 years I use to like flavoured coffees but in the past two to three years I have found that the true flavoured coffees are the differant regions not the additives. My goal is to get out of the transport biz and intrduce quality coffee to the small town that I live in that the only coffee house in town is not a coffee house but a doughnut shop. I have to go into Winnipeg for a half decent cup of coffee, or my favorite Espresso. We have no roaster around here so I have to pick up what is available this is why I am planning on roasting my own beans and I hope I can learn alot about roasting and the differant types off coffee here
welcome NightGuy,

I worked grave for 3 years at an IT company ... I feel your pain :)

The only beenfit I had was, it was in downtown LA and I would hang out all evening long at trendy coffee shops sucking down pots worth of coffee before I'd head to work.

Hello all, I am Jeff, i work for a roasterie in Duluth, Minnesota and as the user name says I am a Roaster in Training, or as I say it Roaster Monkey in Training. I suck down espresso like it is water as who has time for a full cup? According to my boss the crew we have on the floor right now drinks more espreso than any he has had in the history of the buiness and I think that is just Ez and I doing all of the damage.
I suppose that is what happens when you have an espresso machine 30 feet from th blending stations, and 60 feet from the roaster.
Originlly I was an IT geek, hence I actually found this site while looking for tips on hacking the max message length on my cell phone, but I found that the coffee industry is far more, stimulating?
Just pulled up a chair and staked out a claim for the corner table. You'll find me here at all hours as I'm in IT and seldom far from a computer. Been a bean counter for an IT firm for the past 7 years and I'm looking to move on. Have a location ID'd and the number crunching has begun. Wish me luck - it's dark in there!
Hello, there. I just joined tonite (or should I say early this morning). I live in Ontario, Canda and just recently signed up with a new coffee direct sales company based in Ontario. I stumbled across this forum when I was looking up recipes that have coffee in it for my coffee newsletter that I put out. I love to drink black flavoured coffee's and cafe mocha's. I think I will really enjoy myself here
Hello to you all. My name is "jean" :) just opened our first coffee shop here in UAE and there is so much to learn about coffee, im pretty sure there are lots of friendly people here who are willing to help. This is one great forum for all coffee enthusiast :) :)Thank you all!!! :grin:
Hi from Florida

Hello, new here!

I'm 36, married, no kids, 2 cats, 2 dogs. Love coffee, especially flavored coffees and lattes.

I have a senseo and I love it. I love to go to the local coffee shops, both "mom and pop" and Starbucks.

I think someone broke my senseo, if it is broken, I'll get another one, I like it that much.

I'm in Florida, I'm a web designer, photographer, and writer.

I'm interested in the paranormal, internet, gadgets, technology, geocaching, gaming, pugs, and indian music/movies/food. I love Thai food and sushi and Indian food.

Damn, now I'm hungry. :)
Hello everyone,

I’m new, new to everything actually. I’m an inexperienced 21 year old with plans to open up a small café business in Sydney, sometime next month or so.

I found this forum after 3 hours of surfing the internet on the coffee/café topic.

I actually don’t drink coffee on a regular basis (one or two a week maybe), and not an expert in the field so I don’t think it’s looking good for me, but hoping with the help of everyone on this forum I’ll just make it.

Please refrain from wanting to abuse me when I post or ask stupid questions. :oops:

Hello, my name is Elaine and I'm a coffee addict. I roast my own greens and have a stash of over 30 different varieties weighing in over 100 pounds easily. My favorite regional varieties are: Ethiopians, Yemens, Indians, and Indonesians. I was introduced to home roasting 5 years ago, but only took the plunge myself, just over a year ago. I like to roast using either an I-Roast 2, a whirly-pop type popcorn popper, or a heavy skillet on the BBQ. I love having control of what I drink and can afford to try coffees that I could never afford from a specialty roaster. I'm trying to repair a broken Mazzer, then I plan on seriously exploring espresso. Till then, my drip, vac pot, and various other brewers will serve my coffee obsession. :D

Hi My name is Java. I love coffee. I am from the Canada. i was introduced to this site by a friend who told me she was a member but really hasn't signed up. She heard about from a friend in the US. It's cooll to be here.

I love coffee and I drink a lot of takeout java.

Howdy folks
guesse I should introduce myself. My name's Nate Oelrich and I too love my jo. I am in Austin, Texas and have lived here for over 25 years. I have been Austin's master barista for several years, brokered green, owned/managed shops etc. I am now working for FaraCafe and will try to do my best to keep from advertising our product on the forum(though you should really give it a try if you haven't already). My degrees are in Archaeology, Anthropology and Art History...which is why I sell coffee.
Hmm....17 posts.....83 till I get my shirt:)
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen:

My name is Theresa I’m from Manchester, CT. I have lived in Connecticut all my life. I’m 27 years old married and have one daughter and one on the way. Like my life will not be busy enough and I want to open a coffee house. Some people would call me mad; I’ll just call myself really busy :D .
It has been my dream for about 6 years to open a coffee house. The main reason why I want to open a coffee house is to share my love of coffee with people. My mom always told me as a kid if you want something bad enough you will find a why to get it. Well I want this really bad.
I’m currently reading some books on opening a coffee house and doing research also. I’m hoping to start on my business plan in a couple of weeks once I get all of my numbers and facts together. Even if I don't have the funds right now I can wait until I do or find someone that can back me in this. I’m so glad I found this place. It will give me the chance to bounce ideas around and get back some great responses.

Thanks for this great forum


Hi I'm Allan.. new to this forum.
I recently posted a question and hope to get a few good ideas from y'all.

I'm a baker... and we are going to begin serving coffee in the bakery store soon.
So I need to find out as much as I can about what makes a great cup of coffee. I'm also open to suggestions ... for things to add to my shop.

Anyone want a little pastry with their coffee? :lol:
Bernie from Bay Area

Hey all,

I discovered Coffee Forums when researching on espresso machines. Great to see like-minded individuals (aka coffee addicts) here, I feel like I belong already!

Anyway, my name is Bernie, from Bay Area California, moved here from Singapore. I was introduced to coffee at a young age. I grew up drinking coffee. My Dad would wake up every morning to brew coffee from a 12-cup coffee maker and I always start my day with a cup. Drinking coffee makes me think of home, which is nice. :-D

Caffeine does NOTHING for me in terms of keeping awake, and I'm sure all you coffee drinkers would agree. I remember the time when I had to study for a test the next day - downed FOUR cups of black coffee, and dozed off right after!

I currently have a regular 12-cup Mr. Coffee coffeemaker (I'm poor), the cool feature I like about it is the delayed brew - I prepare the grinds and water the night before, and the next morning, voila! I wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

I like the bold taste of the asian blends, like sumatran, malaysian, but any coffee is ok for me. I'm not choosy. :)

Well, that's more introduction than you'd like hear, so I'll stop for now.
Hi, My name is Tom and I'm new to quality coffee. I've been playing around with the dog bowl / heat gun method of roasting coffee. While that was fun for awhile, I've just ordered a Fresh Roast Plus 8. I'm in the process of researching grinders to replace the crappy blade grinder I make do with now. I use a Bodum Chambord French Press 8 cup. I am the only one in the house who drinks coffee. My wife is a tea totaller :D .

Nice to be here !! This looks like a great collection of forums.