
oh, hadn't noticed this little thread before. so, hi, i drink a lot of coffee. you might say it's my fuel. i don't have one particular favorite style. sometimes i like American drip (strong, very strong)--sometimes espresso, sometimes cappucino, sometimes turkish -- depends on the day, my mood, the atmosphere. but, i'm guessing many of you know this as well. anyway--look forward to chatting with some fellow java-philes.
new guy


I was introduced to this forum by one of the main forum guys, but I need to ask his permission to mention his name. Just in case he doesn't want to be associated with me.

My name is Tommy with Serengeti Trading Company and we supply green coffee from all over. I like camping and fishing and jeeping...oops sorry, I thought this was a singles website. But then again, I'm happily married.

Anyway, GREAT SITE and I love the bouncing poo's :) :-D :lol: :) :-D

I apologize, but I couldn't resist. What a knucklehead.


My name is Jim - I left corporate marketing 5 years ago to open our first coffee house, we now have three locations and working on more. I love the marketing aspect of the Job. hard work but I love what I do.
the forums are helpful for those of us who own coffee houses and can learn from each other.

Hi there,

My names Jim, and im from London (surprise!). Im 24, a student and think i've been dependent on coffees for a long time to get me through late nights studying away!

I googled for some info regarding coffee and stumbled upon this site. Looks funky. Currently enjoying a rich, strong colombian coffee.

There are lots of coffee shops here in London: Starbucks, Coffee Republic, Nero's, Costa...most of them a bit tacky and expensive, but my favourite one is a small chain called the Monmouth Coffee Company. Its cheaper than the others, but a million times better. And they use gorgeous milk from Jersey (small island in the English channel) cows.

It's nice to meet you all, and look forward to having some interesting coffee-themed conversations :p

I guess I should have posted this here first? Here goes:

I'm new here too. I live on Long Island NY, work in NYC. I like to grind the beans right before I brew at home and at work. At work I use a spinning blade grinder & a Krups drip using a swissgold filter(no paper). At home I have a Delonghi burr grinder and use a french press or Brikka stovetop espresso pot depending on what I am in the mood for.

Get my beans from a local roaster (no attachment with this vendor, I am just a very happy customer). I like dark roasts. Typically I brew Kenya AA, Mocha Java, Italian Espresso(even for drip brew). I don't like flavored coffee or adding any milk, cream or sweetener.

Hi all. My name is Robb, and I live in a northwest suburb of Chicago. I'm 31 and have been drinking coffee since I was 15. However, it's only been within the past year that I have gotten seriously obsessed with learning all about coffee in my search for the ultimate brew. A few months ago I purchased the book "Perfect Cup" by Timothy James Castle and read it cover to cover. I also regularly visit several coffee related Websites and joined a couple coffee associations, the SCAA and the Kona Coffee Council. This is my first coffee forum. I found it while searching Google for more coffee stuff to feed my obsession.

I have been grinding whole beans for a few years now, but at first it was just stuff from those huge supermarket bulk bins. I now am buying whole beans fresh from the roasters, even straight from the farms in Hawaii. For a few years I used to only drink flavored coffees, but for the past two years I have been a die-hard "straight black" java fan. I am having lots of fun trying different types of coffee from around the world, but so far my favorite is Kona Peaberry. I am trying to develop my coffee palate (This is happening simultaneously with my wine obsession. Mmm, coffee in the morning and wine in the evening. Could it get any better?!)

Currently, I am studying up on home roasting. I have a couple pounds of green Kona Fancy on the way that I plan to burn up in an air popper. I'm sure my first attempts will be a tragedy, but it's all in the name of fresher coffee!

I look forward to learning a lot from others on this forum. Thanks!

just stumbled across this place and thought i'd pop in. Just bought my first Real coffee machine, an Isomac Zaffiro.

My name is Matt, i'm 24 and live in London, UK.

Hi all. :D
Caffeine is a drug. I'm an addict.

... and I don't want any help! At least, no help in kicking the coffee habit!

My name is Don, and I live in Idaho. I'm seriously exploring the idea of opening a shop here, mostly so I can get the cappuccino *I* like, and I don't have to rely on St*rbucks! :-D

I started drinking coffee when I was 20 and working on a road construction crew. I was (and still am) an avid tea drinker, but coffee was cheaper and you got free refills! It was purely an economic decision.

I drink it with just a touch of sugar, and I like it strong. I believe I am one of the few who truly appreciate Army coffee, and I still drink it that way at home.

I read earlier a discussion about press pots, and I just wanted to mention a nifty gadget I picked up a month or so ago. It's a press pot/travel mug. This thing solves the cooling problem quite well, most mornings the coffee stays warm for over 30 minutes, which is the longest a cup ever lasts in my greedy hands. The biggest downside is that you occasionally have to strain grounds through your teeth, which is not too much of an issue (see the 'Army' reference above :D ) and that the brew tends to get REALLY stiff and bitter by the end, even for me.

So anyway, I look forward to gleaning good info about starting/running a coffee shop, and what to and not to do in the startup phases.

Drink up!
Oops, I just realized that my opening line sounds strange, since the topic line is so small. It was supposed to start:

Caffeine is a drug. I'm an addict.

ok. NOW I'm funny.

Hi everyone,
My name is hilton.I am a electrical contractor in N.C.I am a firm beliver in Jesus Christ and the gospel.I really like a robust strong cup of coffee.I'm glad to meet you all , and look forward to sharing ideas with you all.
God bless - and remember He loves you when no one else will!!!
Hello All,

I'm Al, a grad student in NYC. Came across this site when looking for more information regarding different types of coffee. As you can guess I'm a complete novice when it comes to different types/roasts/beans et c.

My favourite coffee at the moment is Sumatra, since it's very friendly to my stomach first thing in the morning. Not too fond of French Roasts.

Looking forward to going through the forums and seeing what everyone has to say.
Hello, all! My name is Elizabeth, and I'm a brand new member her on this bulletin board. I will be opening my first coffee cart in just about a month, and I'm really excited about it. It will be located inside a beautiful new municipal office building that has both employee and public traffic. The name of the business is City Perk Coffee.

I found this BB my searching the web....I belong to other BBs for different interests, and just KNEW there would be a coffee related board or two out there when I needed them. I like the style and format of this board ... thanks for being here!

I still have some decisions to make as I get ready to open, and I look forward to learning from you all.
- Elizabeth