
Greeting to CF from the PNW! Just found out about this place while perusing the internet. Glad to be here and looking forward to learning all things Coffee!

Hello "SingleMaltKaffe"

Greetings to you too. Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

We have members and visitors from all over the globe. I'm assuming that PNW stands for the Pacific Northwest (in the United States, commonly abbreviated as PNW). But, you never know ..... it could stand for some place totaly different.

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Hello "SingleMaltKaffe"

Greetings to you too. Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

We have members and visitors from all over the globe. I'm assuming that PNW stands for the Pacific Northwest (in the United States, commonly abbreviated as PNW). But, you never know ..... it could stand for some place totaly different.

Thank you PinkRose for the warm welcome! And truly this I hail from The Evergreen State, part of this great and beautiful Pacific Northwest.
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Looking for a lot of information and experience condensed into a small amount of time

Welcome to the please use this thread to introduce yourself and welcome others to the site. A short paragraph about yourself, your likes, what brought you here and how you found the site is great :) Invite a friend or two -- everybody is welcomed!

Onto the Introductions..................

Hey all,

I'm opening a coffee shop soon and could use all your knowledge for all machines that I need.

I have nothing so far, so I'm looking for grinders, boilers, espresso machine (professional, full-automatic, 2 group, Double Boiler (DB) lever machine (boiler size: 5-12, 4000-4300 watts minimum, optimum temperature of 95 C (203 F) for machine). For grinders, I have no idea where to start.

For coffee machines and even tea water boiling, if you guys have suggestions, I's love to know!

P.S. I am also interested in having a manual pump La Pavoni for a good crema espresso. I have baristas who will be performing these functions and I hope that in time, I learn. Anyone tried the manual pump? Is La Pavoni's a good one to start with?
La Pavoni

I am also interested in having a manual pump La Pavoni for a good crema espresso. I have baristas who will be performing these functions and I hope that in time, I learn. Anyone tried the manual pump? Is La Pavoni's a good one to start with?

I owned and ran a La Pavoni Europiccola for years that I got in Italy as a memento of working there for sei anni. It is a beautiful machine, and of the best quality - fit to maintain or frame, and have for a lifetime. It is, by most estimations I've seen, the ultimo d' ultimo - best of the best, for making one single or double shot of espresso, and doing crema art. Its group head, however, gets hot during this first shot, and you'll fight to get another nice crema shot out for the head being overheated. I've seen guys (and gals) use various methods of cooling the group head, the best of which seemed to be just a damp bar towel wrapped around it for a few seconds between lovely foamy shots. I realized I wasn't a crema artist at heart, and just wanted to make about 8 shots of espresso for my shopmates and myself 2 or 3 times a day, so sold mine to buy a SuperAutomatic machine that was up to the workload, though that is scientific with no art about it. I hope you know that buying beans for good, consistent copious foam art gets you to a different bag than you'd use for mellow straight espressi. You'll need a grinder that won't goo up from oils for that purpose.

Good hunting,
Hello All! My name is Ola, I am from Poland, having fun here with our homemade drum roaster, at the beginning of the adventure with coffee, I am glad to found this forum.
Cheers! We are new to Coffee Forum, Jen and Becky. Our love for coffee and all things comfy has inspired our new business venture Jenbec Solutions, LTD. If you are looking for someone to package your coffee into singe brew beverage cups, let us know! In the meantime, we are just looking forward to learning more tricks of the trade!!