
Haha, that's just my forum handle, which is an old nickname from my military service. I use it on multiple forums, makes it easier.I apprenticed with a master roaster for 2 years, and traded my coffee for a car part on a subaru forum. The guy loved it, and commented on it, piqueing interest on the forum. Demand grew, and here I am, it's been going ever since. A couple local cafes buy from me, and I have the website. There are 2 cafes that currently want 17k lbs per year between them, hence the new roaster I'm looking for.Anyway, I just got off a night shift, time to sleep. Have a great day!
Hey all -- just found the forum and already finding plenty of good stuff.

I am working on a plan for a coffee shop in NYC. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also I'd love to share a coffee and talk shop with locals or visitors to NYC.

Hello "Frankc" (Frank)

Welcome! We're very glad that you found us.

There is a whole lot of great information on this Coffee Forum. The handy search feature at the top of your screen is a wonderful tool. You can spend hours wandering and reading - that's for sure!

Feel free to post your questions or comments when you're ready.

Good Morning, My name is Paulo. Togeather with my family we grow, process, and roast fine single estate coffees from the highlands of Western Panama as Panama Joe Coffee
So we obviously enjoy are coffee, all the time. Like right now for example I just pressed a nice medium roast from about 1500m.
I am happy to answer any questions in regards to the coffee process as we take it from fruit to cup. I stumbled upon the forum whilst searching FDA requirments and it is right up my alley and will check in as time permits. Cheers P.
Hello "Paulo"


It's great that you found us while you were searching the Internet.

We often have people asking questions regarding the coffee process. We're very glad you're willing to share your knowledge with us. It sounds like you're going to be a great addition to the forum membership!

Hi all,
just joined up so I can get some help and inform myself a bit more. I am a coffee addict and home roaster and i have decided to buy a 5 kilo shop roaster and make coffee my lifes work. I have been reading all the info on the various commercial roasters and have had some training on a probat, but have come across a spanish roaster, Roure that I am very interested in. Other than the manufacturers own info, there is little info on the net and few roasters with this brand. Can anyone shine some light or direct me to a business who could give me some indepth opinion. I am in sunny Brisbane, Australia and there are no Roure roasters in this country, as far as the manufacturer is aware.
Many thanks.

Danny from Orlando, I have been a barista for years and a lover for coffee for ever, I am actually starting my own coffee shop and if youre interested in helping check it out: indiegogo(dot)com/vitalunacafe?a=705701
Hi, I'm Shellyfran. I am a stay at home Mom. I am looking for surveys to do online out of my home regarding coffees. I LOVE coffee. I drink a pot and 1/2 daily. Starbuck extra bold is my favorite. I also like Caribou. I would really like to make some money online somehow. Any suggestions? I have tried all the survey companies online. I feel they are a bit a waste of time. I want to make a little bit of cash so I can buy new clothes, whatever I want...... Thanks for listening. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks, Shelly
Hi my name is Ryan and I love coffee! Not a big surprise...but I also have started an online coffee subscription service and would like to gain more insight about the voice of coffee lovers through this forum. Looks like a great site!
Hello "Shellyfran" (Shelly)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

I'm not sure if this is a place where you can get information about doing surveys on-line, but you never know. We have quite a variety of people on this forum who know all sorts of things. Maybe someone will already be familiar with the survery process and offer suggestions to help you. In the meantime, we hope you'll enjoy exploring the Coffee Forum.

Hello "cafedude87" (Ryan)

Welcome! It's great that you found the Coffee Forum website, especially now that you've started an online coffee subscription business. We have several members of this forum who know a lot about selling coffee on-line. Feel free to ask questions and join in the discussions!

Hello everybody here,

I am Daniël Dijkstra from Drachten, the Netherlands. In daily life I am Ceo of Coffee4all.
But above all I adore coffee.
This is a product that has enough mysterie, flavor and interesting facts from a long past to inspire me every day!
Nice to read so many different views and meanings here.

Best regards,


Wow, is that THE famous coffee4all from Drachten with owner Daniel Dijkstra?