
Hello "PVCoffee" (Pavel)


I can understand how you can't live without coffee, especially since you have your on-line coffee business and you're going to school for computer animation. It sounds like you have a lot going on! I'm very glad you found the Coffee Forum, and I hope you will visit us often.

Hello "tdus1" (Paul)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website! As you explore the forum, you will see lots of interesting discussions about the world of coffee. Feel free to ask quesions or post comments when you're ready.

My name is Greg. I am originally from Los Angeles, Ca, but spend half the year in Lima, Peru and travel extensively. I did a google search on coffee forums and this site seemed to be the most prominent, so I decided to give it a try! So far, it looks GREAT!:coffee:
Hola from Guatemala City, my name is Tommy and I am a professional treasure hunter, and founder of TreasureWorks LLC. I came to Guatemala shortly after retiring from 34 years in the USAF, to do some treasure hunting. That was almost two years ago and I never looked back.
I found this Forum while doing some research on the history of Guatemala and it's many treasures.

Hi there, I have a pair of luwak's (civetcats) as some of you may know they make the
most expensive coffee in the world.
I am looking to buy these cherries but i can't find them anywhere.

Can anybody help me to find them? maybe someone in for a trade?

I am from ''holland''
Hello "Lior"


I must admit this is the first time I've read such an unusual request.

Are you expecting your civet cats to produce coffee product, or are you just looking for something new to feed them?

We have several members of this forum who own coffee farms. Hopefully someone will be able to help you find what you're looking for.
hey all,
my name is chris, new to the site and love it. I have an idea for a coffee drink that I would like to sell to retailers i.e grocery stores. I understand the fact that I cant just go out brew some foldgers or starbucks beans and sell it as my own. I am thinking that in order to put my name on the product I need to find a supplier of coffee beans. I do not know much about different beans or blends, but I am looking for a high quality (not the highest) popular bean that I can purchase at a reasonable price. In the same breathe, I need help with developing my brand and registering my product. PLEASE PLEASE any help or advice is appreciated.

Message me! THanks everyone!
Hello "cjburr" (Chris)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website!

Where are you in the process of developing and marketing your coffee drink idea?

Where are you located? Are you in the United States or in another part of the globe?

It sounds like you are you looking for answers to a lot of specific questions. If you post those questions to the various areas of the Coffee Forum, you will have a good chance of getting some replies. For example, the Coffee Industry Forum is a great place to start. Coffee Industry Forum

Hi everyone, Reb Click here. Testing out our new site We're really into Fair Trade and decided to open a coffee biz that markets only fair trade coffee. We've added other products to the site and some blogs about coffee, roasting, espresso, and pods which seem to be taking over the market. We're hoping people will come and shop, but also rate products and help other consumers make better product choices. Hope to see you there, and chat with you here too!
Hey Greg, do you ever get to visit any of the fair trade farms in Lima? If so we'd love to have pics and articles to share on our DecentBean Facebook page. The point of the page is to promote Fair Trade and educate people about the need to pay a fair price for goods grown/produced in 3rd world countries to help alleviate poverty. We'd welcome any related posts there.
Hi Rose,

LOL, good question! The manufacturer named it that, and we sold some on our site.. just as a fluke. Got some good responses back and so I asked the happy clients to leave a comment. I personally haven't tried a cuppa of that particular brew myself as the need for moderating caffine intake is the only drawback to my great coffee addition.

Now that you've brought it up guess I need to test the product. After I do I'll give you some feedback!
poison here! I'm a coffee roaster; I've been roasting for quite some time now, and own West Coast Roasting Company - Fine Coffee Roasters . I work full time as a bodyguard, and roast on the side. I'm looking at buying a better roaster, and spend much of my time trolling ebay, craigslist, and few industry sites for a used roaster. This site generally pops up when searching for roaster info, so I finally joined tonight and posted a want ad.

Wish me luck!
Hello "poison"


You have an interesting choice for a user name for this forum, especially since you say you're a coffee roaster.

I'm not sure I'd want to buy roasted coffee from someone who calls himself "Poison" but I'd certainly want you as a bodyguard!

I do wish you luck in your quest to find a better roaster. This is a great place to reach out for help and information. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!

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