
I Iwan Aramiko
Seller of Arabica Gayo Coffee ...
One of the coffee from sumatra, Indonesia

Greetings to all coffee lovers....

I am a big fan of Sumatran coffees, especially an extra-dark Sumatra coffee I get at Trader Joe's, and wonder about trying others. Are your coffees available in the United Sates? Where might I buy a few pounds to try?

Thank you,
Thank you before, now our products are still used for local consumption ...
However, many copies of my area who had entered the United State ...
One of the arabica coffee that sells there is Conscious Coffees ...
We also hope that one day our products can go in there,
In addition we also sell Kopi Luwak, if you've never tried it ...

Thank You
Iwan Aramiko
Hello :)

Hello everyone my name is Juandro.. I'm coffee suplier from Indonesia especially in Luwak Organic Coffee... Organic coffee is healthy :)
Regards :)
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Hello, Juandro.


If you're interested in reading some of the recent discussions about Luwak coffee, we have a handy search feature at the top right corner of this page. Luwak has been a popular topic on this Forum for a long time. I hope you will join in the discussions and post your comments when you're ready.

Hi there, my name is Sally I am from Australia and I am venturing into the coffee truck business in Los Angeles. I am learning what a difference a great cup of coffee tastes like!
Hello "salmc" (Sally)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

You'll soon discover that we have several members who are very experienced in the coffee-truck business. Feel free to post your questions and comments when you're ready.

Thanks for joining the Coffee Forums!

Hello, Juandro.


If you're interested in reading some of the recent discussions about Luwak coffee, we have a handy search feature at the top right corner of this page. Luwak has been a popular topic on this Forum for a long time. I hope you will join in the discussions and post your comments when you're ready.


Thanks a lot for the info Rose..its very nice to join this forum.. :)

Thanks for info :)
Upgrading my coffee

Hello coffee loversCurrently I'm drinking from a Kurig coffee maker at home and a Nespresso at the office. I'm thinking of either a new Illy or Nespresso espresso machine for the house.
Hi Everyone

Both my wife and I are kind of coffee sissies in that we don't get along well with overly strong coffee

The first (and only time) I had an espresso, I quickly acquired a terrible headache, somewhat like having a spike stuck into my forehead

That said, we do like to have coffee two or three mornings a week and I am hoping to be able to expand our coffee horizons beyond hot Dunkin Doughnuts Vanilla
Hi Everyone,
I am a long time coffee addict.. My standard drink is espresso over ice with a little cream - it's the bitter edge that is sooo good! However, around Christmas this last year I was introduced to Brewing Cocoa ... and (almost) immediately fell in LOVE with it. So started researching the Cocoa Bean and was so amazed by it's properties that I started my own company selling Premium Brewing Cocoa. However, I still love a good coffee and have been experimenting with combining the two and expanding the use for brewing cocoa and the cocoa bean itself.
I look forward to sharing ideas and recipes for coffee and cocoa combined in beverages, baked goods and cooking in general ... it's the best of both worlds!!
Hi EZOnCaffine,
I saw your post when I was posting my 'Intro' and thought I would pass along a suggestion.... Look in to Brewing Cocoa - roasted, ground cocoa beans. It contains Theobromine a awesome alternative to caffeine - it offers focus and energy w/o the 'jittery' feeling... also, the cocoa bean is packed with healthy minerals and antioxidants - all finished with a nice bittery (w/o sweetner) chocolate-y flavor. You can even add it to your coffee grounds and add the 'mocha' flavor to de-caff coffee.
Just a suggestion. I am in no way spamming or advertising my product.... I have just found the product a godsend for caffeine adverse people.
Hope this helps!!
Looking for some feedback

Hi all. I'm wondering if you guys can give me some feedback on a business idea I just came up with. Back where I used to work a small roaster sold this potent coffee he called "Rocket Fuel". Not bad tasting, and it had a real kick. I moved out of state and now I can't find anything like it so I started roasting and blending my own. Now I'm thinking of selling it online. Do you think there would be much of a demand for a coffee with more caffeine than usual as long as it still tasted great? Thanks for your input.

--Guy :-D
Hi CocoaJoe

Thanks for taking the time. Brewed cocoa sounds like it might be just what we are looking for. We are definitely going to give it a try

Any suggestions on brands, techniques, etc?

Thanks again