
Hello, my name is ishabish77 and I am a newbie. Since visiting Puerto Rico back in 99, I have been purchasing my coffee from Cafe Rico, a brand of PR coffee that I LOVE! Well, my husband and I enjoy a great cup of coffee and we are looking to branch out. He used to work at Starbucks for several years and tends to like Kenyan coffees, Verona, and as he says, anything but Sumatra. I have experienced Kona, PR, and Petes (outside of Chock ful of Nuts, Folgers, Hillsbrothers, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Pete's, and a few others available in the stores).

My interest in joining this forum is to branch our and network with others that can broaden my reach of excellent coffees worldwide. I am not into flavored coffees, but bold tasting coffee that goes down smooth leaving a wonderful aftertaste. I used to drink coffee all day, but I am pregnant with child #3 and have cut back to 1 cup a day for the babies sake. I am looking to join a club, or purchase from a roaster and get addicted to some great roasts that are available.

Looking forward to any and all recommendations of great coffee! Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone, my names austin and i dont drink coffee much but i do love it, and i am a starbucks and a tea fan. I want to learn more about coffee. Thanks guys!
Welcome ishabish77! Thanks for joining and posting...I think we can help you along in those goals! (all except the delivery, of course, and CONGRATS!) :D
Nice place you got here! :)

At first I thought twice about poking my head in here, thinking it would be another Internet site adept at getting me hooked on something.

Then it occurred to me, I'm already probably addicted to what the hell.

Hello fellow coffee enthusiasts! I found the forum through cruising the web for coffee competitions. There was a thread here about the closing of the Canadian Nationals and the winner. After I saw how big the community was I set up an account and now I'm here.

I'm a home roaster, barista, coffee crazy, art student who is going to rock the calgary scene. Im going to nationals in the next years, i know it.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to putting this forum "up and running." And a very warm welcome to all of you, both newcomers and "elder-geeks" from other forums and other places in coffee-dom.

Our family, on my wife's side, comes from Brasil. After many years of marriage, I feel half Brasilian myself. While always a coffee lover, I didn't really get serious about specialty coffee until 2005. I've since included coffee trips to the South of the state of Minas, where some of the best Brasilian coffees grow. Oddly, I never bothered to asked family and friends about coffee while visiting years ago. It was when I got serious that I found out we had both family and friends in Brasil, in the coffee business!

My background is business ownership/management, with special interests in marketing and sales. I do love coffee, both in its pure state, and mixed with various ingredients....... mostly milk and, yes, sugar! I'll drink a straight shot as quickly as anyone else, but don't hate me because I have a sweet tooth. :coffee: I roast sample lots from our family friend's fazendas in Brasil, and brew on an espresso test bar I built in our garage. And frankly, I'm more interested in the retailing side here in the US than in importing green. But there's no substitute for visiting a coffee farm, and following the trail from farm, to post harvesting, to shipping point, to importer/warehouse, to the marketplace. It really helps one understand "the big picture."

By alsterling at 2011-03-26
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