Coffee is a health drink?

Tannins -(Benefit or Detriment)

Tannins in coffee and tea can inhibit iron absorption by up to 50 to 60% according to Colorado State University Extension. This may also be due to the caffeine in tea and coffee. Tannins work like phytates in that they bind with iron to make it unavailable for absorption. To decrease the effects of tannins, consume foods with vitamin C in meals.
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The Tannin affect (Mans Benefit, Womans-Detriment)
* Tannins might be considered a "Health Benefit" for men who have a way too healthy diet that includes iron. Why? Too much Iron actually can lead too Heart Disease and cancers. Promoting and feeding cancerous cells with free radicals. So If your popeye and eat alot of Spinach or Bruno and have steak for Breakfast might promote excess iron...a cup of coffee might help in inhibiting that Iron absorbing into the body. (BTW - Men should notice that there one-a-days do not contain iron, Mens bodies only absorb iron through food)

*For our ladies though - who lose Iron , on a monthly basis, inhibiting what iron your bodies do get a chance to absorb, might not be the best thing. (& BTW - Woman should notice that their one-a-days do have iron) - to make that iron successful, she should make sure their supplements have Vitamin C , especially if they are a Regular Coffee drinker.
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Well yeah taking coffee can help us in many things,it lowers the risks of cancer.Can make you safe from diseases like heart attack.Improves cholesterol health,burns the fats and has other useful benefits but taking it as addiction is bad.
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Coffee probably can be beneficial to our body when consumed in an
appropriate amount. According to a study, coffee can be helpful to
the heart when it is consumed at levels of four cups per day. Since
everyone's cup is different, they specified that when in mL, it would
be about 600mL per day. When consumed less than that level,
detrimental effects would be less likely to occur.
yeah! i agree :coffee-bean:coffee is good for health. Green coffee beans are a miracle for weight loss and good for health. High-quality beans contain greater amounts of polyphenols. The best use of coffee beans is coffee extract. Its very easy just a few steps. Brew the green coffee beans (2 oz). Place some water in a teapot or sauce pan. Bring to a boil and then turn down the heat, allowing the brew to simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool for about one hour. You can add sugar, honey or some other type of sweetener to improve the taste.
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Coffee is a healthy drink because it has lots of antioxidants and helps us lower our risk for some diseases. But we have to consume it moderately. If we consume too much, that is where it gets out of hand and the the healthy drink becomes unhealthy.

Coffee is a health drink because of the following benefits:

a. Can improve memory and brain function
b. An excellent source of antioxidants
c. Can improve insulin sensitivity
d. Can accelerate fat loss
e. Can improve exercise performance

What made it bad is when the processing method being introduced into the coffee are different toxins on the length of time allowing it to ferment and can even damage the coffee beans before roasting. In short, good coffee can have good performance and benefits while bad coffee can cause bad health.
Hi CoffeeLoversMag,

Where do you get this information from?

Where is it documented that the drying/processing methods introduce toxins into the coffee bean?


Coffee is a health drink because of the following benefits:

a. Can improve memory and brain function
b. An excellent source of antioxidants
c. Can improve insulin sensitivity
d. Can accelerate fat loss
e. Can improve exercise performance

What made it bad is when the processing method being introduced into the coffee are different toxins on the length of time allowing it to ferment and can even damage the coffee beans before roasting. In short, good coffee can have good performance and benefits while bad coffee can cause bad health.
No doubt that coffee is healthy drink and has lot of benefits.I drink it regularly and it keeps me active.Too much use of coffee is not good so we can drink it but in a normal routine.

Yeah right.. that's true. Coffee can help us but too much of it can also give another effect to our body. Drink it moderately. :coffee: ;-)
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I used to drink six cups of coffee everyday. Got addicted to it actually. When I tried to leave it, I started getting caffeine withdrawal problems. It was so painful that I used to writhe in pain at night. Now, so many months have passed, I never drank more than two cups of coffee since that incident.
It sounds like you "tried to leave it," and you did it all at once, instead of gradually decreasing your coffee intake.

I bet you won't do that again!
PinkRose, let me tell you my caffeine addiction story. I used to be a teetotaler. Never took any liquor, cigarettes or any kind of drugs in my life. All I had tried was coffee in my childhood; liked it so much that I had started having it in excess as I grew up. When I realized for the first time that I was becoming "addicted to coffee!" it scared the hell out of me. That mere sentence had put me in a fetal shock. I couldn't focus on my studies unless I used to have 6-7 cups of coffee. Day by day the craving for coffee was increasing. I'd never wanted to be in addiction of anything. So I nervously and stupidly decided not to have one sip of coffee until I get all caffeine effect outta my system. I should have rather decreased the consumption gradually. Who to blame, it was my own ignorance.
You'd be amazed at how many people do the exact same thing, just because they don't know that there is a better way to do it.

Sometimes we have to learn our lessons the hard way.

The best we can do is share the experiecnce with others to help them not make the same mistake. If they pay attention it's good. If they ignore us, then it's their problem.
I heard today that coffee helps reduce stress as well. I've started drinking a cold coffee that has 12 spectrum vitamins, coconut cream, arabica, robusta beans and so much more. Taste awesome and good for you.

If your interested check out:
(link removed by Moderator)
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