Coffee is indeed very healthy, provided it's organic. The main reason for this being it's one of the most highly sprayed crops in the world and hence loaded with heavy metals. Organic usually is pretty free of these added poisons.
It's quite incredible how many health benefits coffee has.
Loaded with anti oxidants
Cuts out appetite
Great as an extra energy kick
Good for gall flow.
But wait...there's more! :coffee1:
It's anti-gout, has anti microbal effects, helps fight off diabetes, protects against brain tumors and is a great anti inflammatory!
I wrote a post on this many moons ago, yet the information still stands and is in the meantime confirmed by many other experts. Here is my original post on my blog, if you're interested:
You might say it's mad NOT to drink coffee, LOL!
And if you feel like this: :decaf:
Don't worry: it seems that sulforaphane, a substance found in broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and cauliflower, helps metabolize the caffeine faster, so hopefully come nightfall you'll be able to get in some good shut-eye.