Coffee is a health drink?

CoffeeBerry: I'm guessing you are talking about a 1 lb bag of coffee beans? Are these beans different from other coffee beans on the market?

I love to drink coffee.I drink almost 3-4 cup of coffee daily.After drinking coffee i feel more energetic and fresh.
There are lots of conversation being made whether caffeine is good for health or not by health experts. Thanks for letting us know all about it.
Coffee contains antioxidants that help control the cell damage that can contribute to the development of the disease. It is also a source of chlorogenic acid, which has been shown in animal experiments to reduce glucose concentrations.
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I suppose it is like anything else, one side says good, the other says not so.

Agree a little with the previous post. It is true that coffee contains a lot of antioxidants that are good for our system,
however 2 cups a day are considered healthy, 4 cups a day not so much.

Italians drink quite a few cups a day, but in espressos or ristrettos, there is actually hardly any kaffeine or rubbish in there.

The bad stuff starts pouring into the cup much later, so in terms of strong lungos ? hmm, not so healthy.
Oh yeah it's true, coffee -especially organic- is good for you. Even the caffeine seems to have some health benefits, namely it's protective against alzheimer's disease...

The trick is to make sure it doesn't mess with your sleep...

Coffee is indeed very healthy, provided it's organic. The main reason for this being it's one of the most highly sprayed crops in the world and hence loaded with heavy metals. Organic usually is pretty free of these added poisons.

It's quite incredible how many health benefits coffee has.
Loaded with anti oxidants
Cuts out appetite
Great as an extra energy kick
Good for gall flow.

But wait...there's more! :coffee1:

It's anti-gout, has anti microbal effects, helps fight off diabetes, protects against brain tumors and is a great anti inflammatory!

I wrote a post on this many moons ago, yet the information still stands and is in the meantime confirmed by many other experts. Here is my original post on my blog, if you're interested:

You might say it's mad NOT to drink coffee, LOL!

And if you feel like this: :decaf:
Don't worry: it seems that sulforaphane, a substance found in broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and cauliflower, helps metabolize the caffeine faster, so hopefully come nightfall you'll be able to get in some good shut-eye.

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hi ,
coffee is healthy drink.There are lots of benefits of coffee but coffee drinking is not generally considered to be part of a healthy lifestyle.However, coffee is a rich source of antioxidants and other bio active reduces the risk of gallstone disease and parkinson's disease.Coffee contain caffeine which may increase the effectiveness of painkillers.
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I love the smell of coffee. once i bought a bag of coffee at night, my whole room was filled by coffee smell, so joyful.
There seems to be a lot of evidence suggesting that, the more coffee, the better, really.
But I agree that if the caffeine levels get to high, this can screw with your sleep and with your nerves...

So what I do is I de-caffeinate for 1-2 days a week, usually. Works like a charm, and I appreciate the coffee that much more the following day!

Increase nervous is only one of the effect of drinking coffee we all know that too much is always bad just drink a 1 glass of coffee a days to avoid it.
New to this Forum myself ..When it comes to Health...our buisness motto is HEALthy should HEAL. as to say in this case, if Coffee is HEALthy, it should have some HEALing virtue to it.

Regularity is a big plus for me.

The Wake up function though- Caffeine constricting your blood vessels creating that "GO Get 'Em" sensation is like a foot on a garden hose...takes a toll after a while. It's a Benefit we all love but I think we should stay clear of it being a HEALing one.

Believe it or not, Wiggling your toes in the morning and through out the day does even better to push blood from your feet back up to your heart to help the old ticker out, without out damage.
I agree with you. I just want to add that green coffee bean is a new died trend in 2012 that can effectively to loss weight.
Its really a drink for a good health only for those people who have low blood pressure problem, otherwise its harmful, but when you are tired it helps to make you relax.
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