What is the local name of COFFEE in your country?

in Hungary it's kávé, in Romania cafea - I guess most languages have similar words for it :)
here is Egypt :)

kahwa or ahwa > cup of coffee
bon > grinding coffee
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Depends on where I'm staying. Here, it's just coffee but in the Philippines, they call it "kape".
Ethiopia Kefaa province Jimma(Birth place of coffee)

we call it Buna
In Indonesia, Coffee = KOPI.
Drinking a cup of coffee = NGOPI
Coffee Shop = WARKOP (WARung KOPi).
Cheers :D
In Greek Coffee is KAFES.

Hi there!

For the love of coffee, I would like to know how coffee is called worldwide. For example, In the Philippines the local term of coffee is "KAPE"

How about in your country?

You participation will be much appreciated

In Greek coffee is KAFES. When ordering ice cold coffee ask for FRAPE.
SKETO is without sugar.
MERIO is with medium sugar.
GLIKO is sweet with 2 or more sugar
KOPI in Indonesia. You want milk? Kopi Susu. Black? Kopi Hitam.