What is the local name of COFFEE in your country?

Kopi Musang, from weasel dirt after eating coffee bean. In central java Indonesia is more popular.
In Ukraine people call it kava. Chorna kava - for black coffe, bila kave (White coffee) for coffee with milk or crema.
We call it coffee :)

Blogger, Coffeeloversofworld.com
in Lima, Peru, its called "cafe". and if you order "cafe americano", it will be a cup of black coffee. they tend to put a lot of sugar in their coffee here. :decaf:
Hummmmm.....I bet you get some strange looks when you ask for a cup of Irving.
i agree with pinkrose. most likely you get a weird look when you order a cup of irving in another location.

blogger, coffeeloversofworld.com
Would you believe, a regular customer came into the cafe yesterday and asked for a "Cup of Rose." He was being funny, of course. And I gave him his usual cup of brewed coffee.
