What is the local name of COFFEE in your country?

for exceptional coffee, i've heard it to be called liquid gold or liquid cocaine! =)
In Malaysia it's called "Kopi" :)
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i''m from germany and here we say just Kaffee. so if you want to get your
<a href=\"http://www.qualitycoffeemaker.com\">high quality flavored coffee</a> you need to say
ich will einer hochwertig kaffee

Hard to imagine, that you are German. 3 mistakes in just 1 sentance ?

Your translation says:" I want high quality coffe".
Going into a bar, ordering a coffe like this, will hit you with some serious looking waiter :decaf:


"Ich hätte gerne einen Kaffee"
in Korea(커피:keopi/pronounciation:khophi), Japan(コーヒー:kohi), whatever it's called, for me "good friends comes from coffee" :coffeecup:cheers...

Just say coffee here, but my wife says that where she is from it is called Kape (Philippines)
Well, in my home country it's COFFEE, but here it's CAFE. (there is supposed to be an accent on the end of that however I'm too lazy to look up the ALT+ thingy to do it.. Could use Character map but again meh... )

Although I suppose one could say I am in my home country.. I feel more at home outside my home country than inside my home country... So.. I suppose you could say I am in my home country so it's CAFE... Such confusing times we live in eh? Besides, there is one common denominator throughout the world, and that is coffee :) So, wherever there is coffee one could say we are home.