I've had a Magic Comfort Plus for about 2 years now and have been very satisified with it. It was a super-automatic replacement for a Unic Pony that I used for 5 years or more with Illy Pods.
I loved the coffee so much that I purchased the Incanto Sirius to replace the MC+ and took the MC+ to work (and am enjoying an American from it as I type, I might add
I have a couple of criticisms of the Incanto, though, for those still sitting on the fence.
1 - if you try to use the water from the hot water dispenser to top up your americano you can forget it - your coffee will be too cold to be palatable. This was a problem with the MC+ as well. Calls to Saeco were met with no help as the temperature of water from this portion of the machine is not adjustable.
2 - You can only set it to dispense 2 shots at a time. My americanos are all triple shots. This leaves me trying to remember where I am in the shots department when I'm making one for both my wife and I. It would be nice if it could make more sequential coffees
3 - If it does not complete a coffee (runs out of water, dreg drawer full, runs out of beans) it errors out but if you weren't there watching you don't know if the shot was extracted first or not - this leaves me measuring volume dispensed to see how many I got before it errored out. It would be a nice improvement if it told you how many shots were extracted before the error msg lit up
4 - The dreg drawer is too darned small. This machine is CONSTANTLY requiring user intervention. My MC+ had a HUGE dreg drawer by comparison. My initial impression was that the water reservoir of the MC+ was larger than that of the Incanto Sirius but I poured one into the other and they're basically the same size (within an ounce or two).
5 - The dregs are quite wet - I'm not sure why this is... the MC+ left a much drier set of dregs and the brew group stayed much cleaner.
6 - The coffee bean holder is right smack in the middle of the top. My machine is mounted under an upper cabinet. Rotating the machine on it's lazy susan doesn't bring the bean holder into a position for easy filling. I routinely get beans on the cup warmer area.
I'm not sure if I would still spend the money to replace my MC+ with the Incanto. It's a much more elegant machine, to be sure, but it is also less 'skookum' - more plasticy. The 'touch display' is not really a touch display but an LCD display with the buttons hiding behind the screen.
I love the grinder on it - it's a dream compared to the jet engine noise of my MC+. I also love the adjustability. It just needs a little more ergonomics before I'll be as impressed as I wanted to be for a machine that cost me 2 grand Cdn.