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- #61
Bob said:WOW
Those instructions are amazing in their detail and methodical precision.
One item that gets my attention is:
5. Measure - Use a stopwatch to monitor the time the pump starts to brew until the shot goes "blonde". The ideal time range for a single-shot is between 22 to 27 seconds. Note: The ideal time range doesn't include the few seconds of prebrewing/prefusion.
It seems that most posts about superautomatics indicate that the shot times run to around 15 seconds. What is the shot time that you have achieved? Also, what are you doing to change the shot time?
I have heard that superautomatics don't require the same lengths of time that others do. That being said, my machine is capable of 24 seconds for 1.5 oz of water when the SBS is turned fully clockwise. The way you change time is to adjust the SBS position. The further counterclockwise the shorter the pour.
For my current settings, SBS at 1:30, I am running about 19 seconds for 1.5 oz and the stream JUST starts to go blonde as the pour stops.
But the real test is in the taste and I am very happy with it.