Saeco Incanto Sirius

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Re: MikeLev also mention messy brewgroup

Deej said:
Mikelev sez: "And the Brew Group gets a lot messier than the Vienna's did with coffee smeared all up and down the shaft (even beyond the rubber seal)..."

JerseyGuy..... Is the brewgroup typically messy when you pull it out? I wonder if there's a difference in procedure between the way you and MikeLev use your machines?

I guess it depends on what you mean as messy. When I pull it out I sometimes find some grinds at the bottom of the plate, but not many. The brew group it self is pretty "clean" until I run some water through it and then the grinds come out easily. I would say it is way less messy than what I went through cleaning up after my semi-automatic (don't even ask about that one, it was an old one that didn't make espresso well at all).
Re: MikeLev also mention messy brewgroup

Deej said:
Mikelev sez: "And the Brew Group gets a lot messier than the Vienna's did with coffee smeared all up and down the shaft (even beyond the rubber seal)..."

PS-I spoke with a gentleman who runs another website and he said that 'none of the superautomatic machines brew espresso, they brew swiss coffee.' Any opinions on his take on things? He's used the Solis 5000 and prefers its taste to the Sirius but I'm certain he still brews using more traditional machines. He also said 'temperature and pressure mean everything when brewing.' He doesn't believe that the superautos really make the 15 bar that they advertise.

I don't have the right beans for me yet (some CaffeeFresco Ambrosia on the way this week) so what I have to say is pretty preliminary.

Using the Illy Medium Roast I thought the espresso was poor.

The Black Cat was very intense early on and then smoothed out and it made better espresso than almost all I have had in upscale restaurants.

I have just turned the Pre-brew on and am experimenting with that, but only time will tell as I experiment further.

So far I can say that I am pretty satisfied as it is VERY easy to make a shot or a cup whenever me or my wife want one and she is especially VERY HAPPY with the coffees we have made.

For me the convenience and ease of cleanup makes this a worthwhile buy. Now if I get the right beans.......
Incanto Sirius Operating Manual

I created a PDF of the operating manual. If anyone wants a copy please send me a private message and I will forward to you (9.4 MBs). I don't see anyway to post it on this forum.
So far I can say that I am pretty satisfied as it is VERY easy to make a shot or a cup whenever me or my wife want one and she is especially VERY HAPPY with the coffees we have made.

Have you tried making any cappuccinos or lattes or those types of ddrinks? With what results? I'd expect that as you dilute the espresso with milk there'd be less bitterness or other negatives to detect in the taste.
Deej said:
So far I can say that I am pretty satisfied as it is VERY easy to make a shot or a cup whenever me or my wife want one and she is especially VERY HAPPY with the coffees we have made.

Have you tried making any cappuccinos or lattes or those types of ddrinks? With what results? I'd expect that as you dilute the espresso with milk there'd be less bitterness or other negatives to detect in the taste.

I like my coffe black, but my wife likes it with some mik. She thinks the coffee from this machine is terrific. No formal lattes or cappuccinos yet, but I plan on doing those in the near future.
Re: MikeLev also mention messy brewgroup

Deej said:
Mikelev sez: "And the Brew Group gets a lot messier than the Vienna's did with coffee smeared all up and down the shaft (even beyond the rubber seal)..."

JerseyGuy..... Is the brewgroup typically messy when you pull it out? I wonder if there's a difference in procedure between the way you and MikeLev use your machines?

PS-I spoke with a gentleman who runs another website and he said that 'none of the superautomatic machines brew espresso, they brew swiss coffee.' Any opinions on his take on things? He's used the Solis 5000 and prefers its taste to the Sirius but I'm certain he still brews using more traditional machines. He also said 'temperature and pressure mean everything when brewing.' He doesn't believe that the superautos really make the 15 bar that they advertise.

Please throw your two cents in everyone. I'm collecting data, doing research and crunching numbers before I shell out the big bucks. The Sirius looks great to me but I'm a gadget guy and I may be unfairly swayed by the hitech display. What's a coffee geek to do? :?

The brew group is a little messier than the Vienna ever was. By this I simply mean that there is dried up coffee all over the brew shaft (even above the rubber gasket) and a lot of other places. I can tell you this seem that the Incanto does indeed make a stronger cup of coffee, though the crema is not nearly as intense. But, my biggest gripe with this machine (and in fact the reason I may even sell it) is because I absolutely HATE that permanent Panarello device!!!! I don't know why Saeco ruined this model with thing! When I used the nozzle on the Vienna, it made the most perfect froth you could ever imagine...with this Panarello, you only get a layer of dry froth on top and hot milk underneath. I think I'm going to get the Royal Pro model next!!!


Mikelev sez: I absolutely HATE that permanent Panarello device!!!! I don't know why Saeco ruined this model with thing! When I used the nozzle on the Vienna, it made the most perfect froth you could ever imagine...with this Panarello, you only get a layer of dry froth on top and hot milk underneath.

Anyone else used this feature and having the same problem? Since I've never used a super before I don't have a picture in my mind's eye about the brew shaft and how dried coffee gets over it. Guess I need to go to a store and pull one apart. :twisted:
Re: Incanto Sirius Operating Manual

JerseyGuy said:
I created a PDF of the operating manual. If anyone wants a copy please send me a private message and I will forward to you (9.4 MBs). I don't see anyway to post it on this forum.

Please include your email address in your PM.
Saeco Incanto vs. ???

Okay, J-Guy, Mikelev, et al, so far this forum is leading others in terms of interest but our focus has been narrowed to arcane specifics about the Incanto Sirius. Ain't a bad thing since that's what this is originally about but maybe we can open the topic up a little, keep the discussion going and stay at #1 (yeah I's not a competition but I just finished my 3rd cup and I'm wired). :)

Are there other machines that you'd considered before buying the Incanto or if disatisfied with the Incanto what machines, features, etc. would you look for in your next one?
Brew to Cup Temp

By the way, I've read much regarding the brew temp to cup temp pathway and how the espresso taste goes bitter when the temp changes, yada, yada. How's the temp at your cup? Does the Sirius have any way to calibrate the temp? Can you boost the temp via an internal potted adjustment if need be? I'm a techie so beyond voiding a warranty this type of calibration adjustment wouldn't bother me, if it's possible.
Is this the same machine also sold by Starbucks directly as the "Italia" for about US $1000? If not, does anyone know the differences?

Saeco Incanto vs. ???

Are there other machines that you'd considered before buying the Incanto or if disatisfied with the Incanto what machines, features, etc. would you look for in your next one?

I was very interested in the Starbucks Italia Digital when I discovered the Sirius along with this interesting thread. The Italia appears to be a very similar machine, also made by Saeco. I think the main differences are that the Italia has a smaller maximum dose (not 12 g), metal vs ceramic grinder, and lack of the new SBS system. Also, it is slightly older technology. I would be interested in any further comparison between these two as I have not yet purchased.

Re: Saeco Incanto vs. ???

Deej said:
Are there other machines that you'd considered before buying the Incanto or if disatisfied with the Incanto what machines, features, etc. would you look for in your next one?

For usability and convenience we decided on a superautomatic. In researching through the forums, the Sirius feature of the 12g shot and the ability to control the time adn intensity (through SBS) was the factor that pushed me to it.

  • - What would be nice is a larger water resevoir or a way to autofill it.
    - It would also be nice to have a finer adjustment for grams of beans gorund. It only has 3 settings, which I assume are 6, 9 and 12g.
    - I'm still calibrating so I haven't found all the things I'd like to change.
Re: Brew to Cup Temp

Deej said:
By the way, I've read much regarding the brew temp to cup temp pathway and how the espresso taste goes bitter when the temp changes, yada, yada. How's the temp at your cup? Does the Sirius have any way to calibrate the temp? Can you boost the temp via an internal potted adjustment if need be? I'm a techie so beyond voiding a warranty this type of calibration adjustment wouldn't bother me, if it's possible.

There are 3 temperature settings for each cup size (Low, Med, Large).

Here are the readings I have made using a MED cup defined by me for 5 ozs of water (with the SBS unit removed, preground coffee but no coffee, i.e. just water). The machine has been on for 5 hours.

Note that the temperature builds up (may just be the thermometer taking time to register) to the maximum temperature and then backs off as the quantity of water increases).

  • LOW - 168
    MED -- 180, but it decreases several degrees as the cup is filled.
    HIGH - 188, but it only remains here for a few seconds then backs off to about 182. Also when I ran another cup 5 minutes later, the maximum temperature was 182, but no further decrease in temperature. I have also seen this as low as 175 at other times. I talked to Saeco about this and they said the variation is "normal" and can vary.
Re: Brew to Cup Temp

The optimal brew temp I've read is around 200 F. Not that other super autos are that much better. What's your take on the cup temp being a whopping (IMHO) 18 F below par? :!:
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