Roastery pics

Here's some pics of our little shop. 2012-07-10_08.15.26[1].jpg2012-07-10_08.15.42[1].jpg2012-07-10_08.16.25[1].jpg2013-05-27_07.33.28[1].jpg2013-05-31_12.45.46[1].jpg
And a video we shot for our webpage. We wound up playing it at the movie theater with an excellent outcome
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just some friendly advice. Keep that back pipe clean. I know its a pain in the butt...but pipes that have ridges collect chaff so easily. Nice thing about those though is if you have a fire you can just knock it off! I had a fire in permanent piping once and the fire department came charging in with an ax. they started banging on my pipes. I quickly yelled for them to stop, seeing that I had quick releases on my pipes. The next fire we had a guy came running in again with an ax and luckily the fire marshal stopped him! First time I was banging on my pipes for a good hour trying to make them straight!
I believe you were asking about my pics. They were taken at setup, looks a little different now, suppose I should take some updated pics.
Put the roaster near a oversized windowed door and window, more light near the trier.