Greetings Topher,
Don't know if you remember me. You helped me last year with a number of questions regarding my Ambex ym10.
Yeah, the coffee nut from CT. It is an awesome machine, with incredible results!
Just got my website up. To date 155 roasts. The only 2 bad were the first 2.
Then along came Topher to save the day! Thanks again. Couple of picks at setup,beans now in roaster room
in the right rear on pallets, also in the rest of my onetime garage. I am confined to 11ft. x 12.5ft but it is actually manageable.
I tore down and refurbished an old Grindmaster 495,(couldn't resist) has my logo on it. works fine, but it has become the room's
largest knick-knack. It does not measure up to the Ditting or the BunnG9, or the Grindmaster 895, it has too much competition.
But I would say it certainly looks the sweetest!
Guess you can guess the website and facebook page.

Enjoying the forum! Why do we not have a Roastmaster General?

Cheers! JJJAVA