I have a V60 maker currently, but the flavor is not as strong as I would like, so instead of buying something and not liking it I thought I might ask some pour-over pros opinions on this forum. By strong tasting, I'm more into the Bialetti Brikka Moka pot style, I have one of those and love it, but I have several different ways I make coffee including Turkish, Cold Brew, French Press, AeroPress, and that V60, of those the AeroPress is so as is the V60, though the V60 does have a smooth taste, it simply isn't strong enough for my taste buds, and I tried different grinds, different methods of brewing it etc, and nothing really came of all the experimentation. The French Press is stronger in flavor than the AeroPress. Turkish is a whole different flavor than the typical coffee we get in America which is why I like it. Cold Brew is nice when it's hot outside, and I drink it straight, I don't dilute it like the instructions say!
The ones that intrigue me, but open to suggestions outside of these, are the: 1) Kalita Wave 185, 2) OXO Good Grips, 3) Swiss Gold Frieling Coffee for one KF300, or the 4) Fellow Stag X. I can't find anyone doing a comparison between those that I listed, which is why I came here.
It seems like the Fellow and the Frieling are very similar, so I'm not sure if paying twice as much for the Fellow would gain anything over the Frieling, is that correct?
So let the fun begin, I would be intrigued as to what you all have to say, thanks!
The ones that intrigue me, but open to suggestions outside of these, are the: 1) Kalita Wave 185, 2) OXO Good Grips, 3) Swiss Gold Frieling Coffee for one KF300, or the 4) Fellow Stag X. I can't find anyone doing a comparison between those that I listed, which is why I came here.
It seems like the Fellow and the Frieling are very similar, so I'm not sure if paying twice as much for the Fellow would gain anything over the Frieling, is that correct?
So let the fun begin, I would be intrigued as to what you all have to say, thanks!