Just got a call from Don Vining. As best as I can tell, here's the issue. There are essentially three separate entities that can be associated with the Ambex brand right now: (1) Ambex the manufacturer (still in business); (2) the Ambex of Terry Davis (distributor--out of business); (3) the Ambex of Don Vining (new distributor--getting business up and running). That said, the Ambex of Don Vining and the Ambex of Terry Davis are two entirely different entities. The commitments of Terry's Ambex do not carry over seamlessly to Don's Ambex. Don's relationship is with the manufacturer's Ambex, not Terry's (make sense?).
The Ambex of Terry Davis is out of business. His Ambex the one responsible for all the outstanding balances for orders. Don's roll in all of it is that he is becoming the new distributor of the Ambex brand. As for the people who placed orders to Terry's Ambex, Don said he is willing to fill all the outstanding orders, but he cannot give refunds, because he did not inherit the payments that Terry received.
Chitoru, if I were you, I would email Don (don@roasterauthority.com), if you haven't already, and simply ask him if you can expect a machine or if you should just try to get your money back in court. Of course, you may be beyond the point of even wanting a machine, at this point. Understandable. I feel bad for you, man.