Extraction Time Question

Mean Joe Bean,
Care to elaborate...what positives...what negetives.?
It seems that you maybe avoiding the issue for lack of anything to back it up....(it SEEMS that way...I hope it's not) any how what are your exact observations? It's easy, borderline cop-out, to say everything has a positive or negetive without mentioning what they are or WHY you think the way you think about certain things.
Hoping for some real discussion,
-Chris Deferio
Hi Chris, when using a bottomless to pull a single ristretto, do you use a single basket or a double basket? Also how many seconds? Thanks.
We only pull tripple ristretto shots. The shots weigh out at 21 grams and the pull time from the time we start the pump to the end of shot is 35-40 sec. Volume =1.5-1.75 ounces of heaven.
-Chris Deferio

I have purchased a new espresso machine & have been following the threads regarding 20 - 25 sec shots, etc.
Is there a way of making a BIGGER cup of espresso? I find the size of cups quite small and therefore need 2 or three drinks at a time ...
If I put a bigger cup underneath & let it run on, the extraction just turns to water & goes bitter.
What s the story? Can someone help me to know these things?
p.s. I have got making smaller espressos down to a fine art, just want them to be bigger! The machine doesn't differentiate between 1 & 2 cup filter basket, I tried that.
Yo chris....here are my observations thus far on the "naked" portafilters vs the reg.

I really dig the flavor that you can get from the naked....however the crema is a little too foamy...like froth almost, so I find I have to let the shot sit for a little longer than I like to give the crema time to "stabilize".

I have noticed this especially with the double basket and have been forced to go with a 6 oz cap cup so I can actually get some liquid (usually I use 2 oz espresso cups).

Valocon.....what kind of machine are you using? Are you looking for a shot that is bigger without sacrificing taste? Hmmm...never really thought about that. Most people just make Americanos (shot of espresso with hot water) if they want a bigger espresso.

Sorry for the late post.

I think the "stabilization" you are refering to is less about stability and more about disipation of crema and consequently the taste and aromatics that come with it....which is counterintuitive to the whole idea of the naked portafilter....PRESERVATION of crema.
As a Jay bird,
-Chris Deferio
BT. First of all I really respect you. And esp the Co you represent, I totalyy agree with you that ask a roaster about extraction times. For example I have been constantly trying to improve aroma,taste/crema/both in technique of extraction and refining the roast profile. As soon as I think I have perfected my roast , well, I'll start doing somthing else. It's the persuit of " the best"..And as far I as I mentioned the "best" you inplyed that contests are the measurment. Sure there needs to be a mearurment, but I really don't think that there is availabiity for many roasters to submit product for a "contest" You know I have NEVER seen apost reguardin when and where and how partisipate in one of these contests, can you provide such a post? You are na expert and I wouls appriciate any help/information you have and are providing.


Congrats on your Latte Art....heard it was top notch.

Anyway.....I like my espresso like my beer....little head. Plus, I hate using a 6 oz cup for (what should be) a 1-1.5 oz shot. Like trying to get that little bit of milk at the bottom of the big cereal bowl.

But I'll still drink it if it's a good shot.....which as we all know is a little hard to find.

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