Wholesale Bean Supplier??


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Jul 13, 2004
Ashland, KY
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I am looking for a wholesale bean supplier. I am finalizing the business plan for opening a Coffee Bar. I have info from Chicago Coffee Roastery and Kaldi. Has anyone dealt with them? I am in Kentucky and buying out of Oregon or Washington is not a good idea. I know...roast my own! I will get to that at some point soon, but in the meantime just want to get going quickly and generate some revenue to purchase a roaster down the road.

Thanks in advance folks!

I am looking for a wholesale bean supplier. I am finalizing the business plan for opening a Coffee Bar. I have info from Chicago Coffee Roastery and Kaldi.

Is that Kaldi's in St. Louis?

Consider also: Chauvin Coffee in St. Louis, and Intelligentsia Coffee in Chicago.

--Barry "and I do limited wholesale, too"
St. Louis, MO
Kaldi's Best Sustainable Coffees

Hi Mike,

I'm the sales director for a wholesale roaster in Madison, Wisconsin. All of our coffees are certified organic, and many are certified fair-trade as well. We recently received a score of 91 points from www.coffeereview.com for our Fellowship of the Bean Espresso blend. I'd love to send you our press pack with samples. My info is below.


Jason Russo
Sales Director
Kaldi's Best Sustainable Coffees
100 S. Baldwin St. #201
Madison, WI
MBC Cafe Imports | Brazilian Green Coffee Bean Grower | Wholesale

Hi Mike,

We cultivate premium arabica green beans from the Machado region, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We do not source from different coffee growers. We are the actual farm. If you are interested, we can offer you wholesale pricing for a 60 kgs jute bag of premium arabica green beans with an SCAA rating above 80 at very competitive bulk pricing. Please visit our website for more information: www. brasilcafeimports. wordpress . com
santa-monica-cafe-gourmet.jpgTry our gourmet coffee products!
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Brazil Coffee Importer | MBC Cafe Imports

Hi Ensoluna, our farms are located in the Machado region south of Minas Gerais. We do not source coffee from different growers. We cultivate, import, export and distribute our gourmet coffee products out of our Miami office. If you have additional questions, please send us a PM at your earliest convenience.
Cafe Santa Monica 10.jpg