Which Coffee do you like most?

We Gladly Cut our Pie for Everyone !!

And we are the Newbies, so thanks to all for the Understanding !!

I love the Coffee mentioned above, and like the Starbucks House, but is is not on
the Scale with the Mexican Mountain Grown.

Just like most of us, I have had a few cups from, where in the heck is that From,
and no one knew, but it was really Good.

Its like going to the New store, and finding New stuff at Great Bargans.

It Good to have a Verity, and that Nothing is the same, or everything would be someo sameo.

The Thai Coffee, is Now catching my Attention, When Blended, it Really Creates a
Wonderful Fruity Berry experience, and a plus with other Flavors mixed in.

What a Great Coffee Fandango we have have, when one can Choose so many,
some great, some Yikes get rid of it, but we Must Taste it to Know.

Rick,..... Santa, Just grabbed MY Last Pound of Supremo at Home,
so I Might be headed to One of Your SHOPS FOR MY FIX TONIGHT !!!
I like the following coffee, in no particular order:

Our Coffee Barn (ourcoffeebarn.com):
1). Yemen Mocha Sanaani is my absolute favorite coffee...

J. Martinez Coffee (www.martinezfinecoffees.com):
1). Costa Rica Tarrazu "Hacienda La Minita"
2). Sumatra Mandheling "Pawani" (my fav Sumatra)

Intelligentsia (www.intelligentsiacoffee.com):
1). House Blend
2). El Diablo Dark Roast

There are a lot more that I like, but these are ones I've been drinking recently.
Hi tejabhai. Thanks for posting this great discussion starter. I enjoy lighter roasts by Lavazza and Seattle's Best. Which Nescafe do you like? I'm usually open for trying something new!
Try the french roast sumatra at portorico.com
I like it very much. It's strong but still smooth.
Organo Gold

I recently tried this gourmet coffee called Organo Gold infused with an organic Ganoderma Lucidum herb well I cant believe how wonderful it made me feel so I ended up order 2 boxes of latte and green tea I would recommend this brand of coffee to other coffee lovers like myself check out the website I also got a free sample before I ordered the coffee & tea. Im not giving up on my coffee, this cup of joe Im drinking is alot healthier and I do feel the differance healthwise.
I recently came across my favorite coffee a couple of months ago. It is still widely unknown but it is produced by a company called Boresha. It is BSkinny Thermogenic Fat Burning Coffee and it is the first of its kind. It is 100% organic and infrared roasted for reduced acidity and increased flavored. I really enjoy its buffered caffeine as well. I was kind of skeptical of it at first, but it really works. My father started to drink it and he lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks without changing any exercise of eating habits. I really enjoy speaking to other people about it so please do not be shy to contact me or ask me any questions.
My favorite is Illy, whole bean, burr grinder, made into an espresso, no sugar or milk. That is what I drink at home. For my office at work, I got the Illy X6 that uses ESE pods. Not the same, but real close.
I try to drink equitable coffee... whatever brand it is. Organic equitable is even better :)
I like to drink freshly brewed coffee. Because it is very sweet and amazing experience to drink it.
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Luwak coffee from Bali is the best coffee ever, but hard to get and expensive
I roast my own beans and have to say that my favorite is mocha java (Yemen Mocha Sanani + java estate). 2nd place would be huladaddy.com peaberry kona.

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