Which Coffee do you like most?

Cuban sugar company ? I thought is was an American sugar company owned by Cuban Americans (Fanjuls ?) and growing sugar in Dominican Republic and Florida ?

I think those 'Cuban' coffee brands are some blend of Brazilian/Colombian or Ecuadoran coffees.
My favorites are 100% Kona - Very smooth, no aftertaste, no bitterness...
Full City Espresso beans- A nice fairly smooth coffee
New York (brand) -Not as smooth as Kona, but robust
and Peets is pretty good too. - a little more aftertaste, but still very good.
Although Consumer reports rated 8 o clock Coffee as the highest. (it's also very inexpensive at WalMart) I have yet to try it.
I also want to try Illy coffee, but it's pretty pricey.
I make all my coffee on a Saeco Odeo Giro esspresso machine mostly long coffee... I use to us RO water only but we've since moved and don't have the system any more, so now I just use city water. It does make a difference in taste, I also have to de-scale my machine more often.
I just LOVE all kinds of coffee but I have a strict budget. I used to drink Folgers or Maxwell House but for home brewing I use Yuban and only Yuban now. It's 100% Columbian I believe. I do not like instant coffee of any kind even when camping...I'd rather drink "cowboy coffee" than instant! Oh heck, just let me suck on the grounds! And I find if I put a pinch of baking soda in the basket with the coffee then no matter how strong I make it...it doesn't upset my stomach. I even take a small container with me when I go to my favorite local coffee shop...just a pinch will cut the acidity and the actual coffee flavor comes through.
There are so many, but mainly anything thats from Africa. Kenya,also I love a good Sumatra and on very few occassions I've had a India Monsoon from Peets coffe.


I think Greatcoffee.com is a great place to try the top rated coffees from different roasters.
I've used them quiet a few times with no complaints. If then one roaster stands out
I may order from them direct.

JohnB said:
djveed said:
Would anyone be interested in a website that sold dozens of different types of coffee from different roasters, and guaranteed freshness as the shipments come right from the roaster? This way you can really try several types of coffees but it's a one stop website. Is this something people would be interested in?

I seriously doubt any of the well known roasters like Intelli/CCC/ect would be interested in cutting you a piece of the pie when they are doing all the work. I also have to wonder what I have to gain over just buying directly from their websites?

If you hook up with some of the smaller, regional roasters it might fly but the quality would have to be there.

This place: http://www.greatcoffee.com/trlanding.cfm already does something similar. I believe they are tied in with Coffee Review. From the reviews I've read they actually ship the coffee so freshness or lack of it has been an issue.
My favorite bean has to be the Sumatara (or is it Sumatra :wink: ) .. roasted Full City to Full City + .. not as acidic... not crispy.

I really appreciate an interesting bean. a funky earthy bean is always welcome in my cup... I guess they usually come from Africa... I also like a bright and clean coffee... I've only had the Kona in a blend, but it was a real flavorful and clean cup... the roaster must not have skimped on quality with the filler beans, because the coffee was great to say the least...

I really love a quality coffee, but unfortunately, I cant afford to pay $14+ for a 12 ounce bag of the fresh-roasted coffee often, so I stick with our local store-brand organic beans.

I may need to reconsider my options before too long.
Thewilliams1, your coffee preferences are similar to mine. I stick with Sumatran coffees for the most part. I like an occasional Kenyan AA or Ethiopian Yirgacheffe when I'd rather something mellow, but still rich in natural flavor. I recently got some Indian Monsooned Malabar and this stuff is funky for sure, nice in the mornings.

So, have you tried a coffee shop that is local to you for purchasing beans? $14 is kinda steep for a 12oz bag of Sumatran. I'd say you could find some good stuff for around $12/lb roasted locally, if you shop around. Actually, are you in the US?
Yep.. I'm in the US.. Pennsylvania actually.

There are a few good roasters in the area.. and by area I mean within an hours drive. I get some good beans from a cafe up the road from me at a good price, but they are not as fresh as I'd like. You get what you pay for, I guess.

People have suggested that I mail-order my beans.. I had a few bags from Stumptown a few weeks ago, and I cherished every cup LOL!!! But convenience usually wins out .. and once it was gone, I was back to drinking the usual.

I'll tell you this much... when you dont have the best all the time, the times you do are that much better.
Don't shoot the messenger but...

I REALLY like Starbucks' "Breakfast blend".

Does anyone know what it's made of ?
Is the bean itself the source of its particular flavor, or are they adding something extra to the coffee?

I'd like to find something equivalent in the market.
My favorite coffee would be from Coffee Beanery. I love their Hawaiian Coconut, Pumpkin Spice, Carmel Apple and Cafe Carmel coffees! I think they are fairly reasonable on pricing as well, as far as speciality coffee goes. :-) Coffee Beanery has many different flavored coffees and straight coffees. I love the fact that all their flavored coffee also comes in SWP decaf! Plus they have a standard flat rate of shipping which is $5.95 for any amount of coffee. You simply cannot beat it. If you want to check them out go to www.coffeebeanery.com Sign up for their newsletter to get special discounts and deals!
I'm a sucker for My Soul Cafe's 100% pure blue mountain coffee

It's simply divine :)
Nescafe is good, but nothing really beat pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee the only challenge I have is getting the authentic coffee and at the right place and I was so excite like over joyed when I found this store for reasonably price Jamaican coffee for under 30 bucks with shipping and its real

http://www.iriedutchpot.com/category/ro ... in-coffee/
I drink Bskinny by Boresha International. It's the only one of its kind on the market. Inferred roasted, buffered caffeine so it only has positive effects on your body. check it out.

*Web link removed by moderator*

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