Where can I buy genuine Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans?

Apr 29, 2020
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Hey guys;
I would like to try Jamaican Blue Mountain. I am only interested in whole beans - medium or medium-dark roast for a French Press.
I know that there are lots of places where you can buy what they claim to be the real deal, but I don't want to pay $40 for 8oz of some imitation.
I found this website: https://jamaicancoffeeclub.com/product/jamaica-blue-mountain-coffee-8-oz-whole-bean/
The roaster is in Hawaii.
I would expect that with shipping, I will pay at least $50 for an 8oz bag.
Does anyone know of a place near NYC I can get some?

Thanks for your help.

Edit: I don't know where I got the idea that Jamaican Coffee Club is located on Hawaii; They're in Florida!
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So I bought 1lb of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee beans from the Jamaican Coffee Club online. I received the coffee a couple of days later.
I was underwhelmed by my first cup. I used the same brewing method I have been using for four years: A double-walled stainless steel French Press. I use filtered tap water at a temperature of about 200F.
My coffee to water ratio has always been 1:11, or 33g of beans ground for French Press in a 1ZPresso Pro set to 42 (coarse).
I use the James Hoffman method of brewing:
Let grinds brew for 4 minutes, then stir the top gently and remove the foam, then let it brew another 6 minutes.

My first cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was a bit on the weak side - when compared to other beans I have been buying from a local roaster. The thing is, I normally buy medium-dark or dark roast, or I mix P'NG medium roast with one of the medium-dark or dark roasts such as Legender, Kivu, or La Voz.
The Jamaican Blue Mountain I purchased is a medium roast.

Because I like my coffee strong, for my second cup, I added 7g to the 33g of beans while keeping the water the same. The coffee was stronger, and as advertised, the coffee is smooth and not bitter, but I fail to taste its more subtle flavors.
Perhaps the French Press is not the right method to brew this coffee.
To be honest, the best coffee I have ever tasted was the Cafaso 'marinated' in Bourbon Whiskey I bought from my local roaster. They only have the special roast twice a year. Like the Jamaican Blue Mountain, it is smooth and not bitter.

Perhaps I should invest in a pour-over system, or maybe vary my brewing method. I would expect that using hotter water would bring out more of the flavor, but at the same time, I don't want to make the water so hot it will burn the coffee. I think I read that 200-205F is the correct temperature. That is the temperature range I have been using.

Any thoughts?
Good luck on your quest as honestly I could never justify spending on JBM, Kona, etc. Sure those areas are likely capable of producing some quality green, but the cost is more about supply/demand/labor rates than actual perceived perfection. There are literally tons of great coffees available at drastically lower prices that will easily match and likely exceed those.
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I agree 100%. I bought 1lb of Jamaican Blue Mountain beans (medium roast) from Jamaican Coffee Club for $70.
I was underwhelmed by my first cup, brewed in my French Press using the James Hoffman method, which I have been using for all of my coffee for several years.
The coffee was smooth, not bitter, but it didn't have any special flavor. I liked the Cafaso Bourbon beans I bought from a local roaster. The beans were medium dark roast and marinated in Bourbon whiskey. The cost was $30 for 12oz.
Today, I mixed the JBM beans with LaVoz dark or medium dark (I don't recall) beans from Guatemala I purchased locally for $20/lb. I have read that a dark or medium-dark roast works best in the FP. When I have both medium and dark, I blend the two.