Urgent roaster help please

I wish you great good luck in your venture. From experience I can say that it is the most dangerous time, when you are fully committed to a project, having delved deeply into it and invested time, blood sweat and tears to make it work. And then to have some one roll in with information or advice that seems to contradict your plan. It is hard, but it is even harder when they turn out to be right. Consider the input that contradicts your plan even more carefully than that which does not, it might save you more than it costs you in pride of ownership. Or you could be right. Either way, have fun!

That's good advice and there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel.

Personally, after 30 years of signing my own checks, I sort of identify (whether for good or ill) with this guy:

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"

Once in a while a guy has to make a decision, call his shots, swing the bat, and be a hero or a donkey.

For me, the good news is being a donkey gets easier with practice. ;-)
That's good advice and there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel.

Personally, after 30 years of signing my own checks, I sort of identify (whether for good or ill) with this guy:

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"

Once in a while a guy has to make a decision, call his shots, swing the bat, and be a hero or a donkey.

For me, the good news is being a donkey gets easier with practice. ;-)

LOL, for some reason it looked like the OP wrote that. Looks who the donkey is now! Whoops, any how the real point I wanted to make is that this (OP) guy has had a lot of really good input and no matter what anyone says he has an answer for. If he has all the answers why did he bother posting a request for information? There are a lot of really good people here that have taken their time to help this guy.

Sorry MCR_Steve I was trying to post about the OP not you :confused:
I wish you great good luck in your venture. From experience I can say that it is the most dangerous time, when you are fully committed to a project, having delved deeply into it and invested time, blood sweat and tears to make it work. And then to have some one roll in with information or advice that seems to contradict your plan. It is hard, but it is even harder when they turn out to be right. Consider the input that contradicts your plan even more carefully than that which does not, it might save you more than it costs you in pride of ownership. Or you could be right. Either way, have fun!

Thank you. I will keep everyone posted on our progress
LOL, for some reason it looked like the OP wrote that. Looks who the donkey is now! Whoops, any how the real point I wanted to make is that this (OP) guy has had a lot of really good input and no matter what anyone says he has an answer for. If he has all the answers why did he bother posting a request for information? There are a lot of really good people here that have taken their time to help this guy.

Sorry MCR_Steve I was trying to post about the OP not you :confused:

You might want to go back and re-read some of my most recent posts to Redswing and John P. You're timing is a bit late. I don't have all the answers by the way, but I do know my business and location. I know what ''kind'' of Roaster we need. I know what the concept we want to open up with (Roaster/Café). Just because I Disagreed with you doesn't mean I don't have massive amount of respect for you and everyone else on here, that's why I say thank you at the end of my responses. I welcome any advice Slurp....but you may want to go back and refresh yourself with the original posting I made. My question was for suggestions of good 2 LB Electric Roasters. That's the area we need help with.
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I'm posting from my phone and I just deleted the wrong double post thus throwing the flow of this thread into outer darkness.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, etc. (I apologize)

Brewbroscafe, he's referring to the 220 VAC 20 amp service necessary to support the electric TJ-067 (total 3500 Watt heating elements) . Pretty close to what you'll need for any commercial 2 or 3 group espresso machine. I'm guessing we talked about that when you called?
I'm posting from my phone and I just deleted the wrong double post thus throwing the flow of this thread into outer darkness.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, etc. (I apologize)

I tried to fix it for you. I hope I didn't mess things up worse.
Somehow this thread is making me dizzy.

I'm posting from my phone and I just deleted the wrong double post thus throwing the flow of this thread into outer darkness.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, etc. (I apologize)

Brewbroscafe, he's referring to the 220 VAC 20 amp service necessary to support the electric TJ-067 (total 3500 Watt heating elements) . Pretty close to what you'll need for any commercial 2 or 3 group espresso machine. I'm guessing we talked about that when you called?

Hey Steve, wow small world. Gotcha. THANK YOU for the reply. Yes we can make that work. The Kiosk comes with an Electrical Panel which is hardwired in to the building, we have an Electrician coming in to assist us as well
Thank you for the advise. As I've said in my OP, we've been planning and researching our business for nearly 4 years including 4 Coffee Fest trips and even a week long research trip to Seattle. We originally were gonna go with a Roaster company but they were charging too much. We went elsewhere to another Roaster company, but had to leave them as well as they did not allow us to sell ecommerce. We actually fell into Roasting ourselves by accident. The reason why we are roasting and not buying roasted beans is that we found a passion for roasting coffee and have never tasted a better cup of Artisan Coffee than the beans that we roast. We truly believe we have something special here in our product. It also helps that our Green Coffee importer is located 1/4 of a mile from our location.

Are you using the Artisan roaster? What do you think of the quality of the roasted beans? I purchased some coffee from a roaster that uses it and I found the coffee to be rather bland.
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