Trying to get my coffee business off the ground.

I see you've had about 170 views to your post and no comments. I think to get the help you're looking for more information is needed.

For instance, what exactly is your coffee business?

I'm assuming you're not a roaster since you say you're working with one, but what are you working on? Are you selling a coffee service? Are you opening a coffee shop? Do you already have a business up and going and you're going to add a coffee bar?

And based on the answers to the above, what type of area are you opening in? What's the "coffee scene" like in the area? And what's this great product line you mention? Maybe you're not even selling coffee per se, but selling roasted coffee beans covered in chocolate.

Are you planning on being a wholesaler, or a retailer, or both?

Provide some specifics and I'm sure the replies will come.

Best wishes!
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