Technical Question

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I will contact you via PM NW.

Temuri, ignorance is bliss. Go look up sublimation. Maybe you'll learn something that you didn't garner from that stellar junior high school education. But please don't try and insult me in public with what you think you know. You're way out of your league.
Fresh Roaster said:
Maybe you'll learn something that you didn't garner from that stellar junior high school education. But please don't try and insult me in public with what you think you know.

Fresh Roast, I just don't get how you can come in and insult members of this forum and then be indignant when they bite back. Quite honestly I don't see you being insulted by Temuri. I see Temuri saying he doubts what you're seeing but I don't see an insult.

You wield the terms "craftsman" and "Roaster" like they are the biggest insults in the world. Maybe you need to take a step back and analyze why your message is not being well received. So far your message seems to be "I created this new and greatest way of roasting coffee and the rest of you are idiots that will soon be out of business".

Maybe your system will make the best possible coffee, maybe it'll be at a good price, but do you have to make this personal? If you have revolutionized the coffee industry with this machine then it will catch on and spread without the need causing wars on coffeeforums.

Perhaps all the participants here need to “cool” it a bit, there is no need for things to get out of hand and be reduced to an exchange insults. It proves nothing.
Fresh Roaster said:
Actually Topher, anybody without an afterburner or catalyst of some sort is plain out polluting and should be shut down. What we found is that as little as 1000 pounds of coffee produces huge amounts of pure powder form caffeine. Don't let your pet hang around because it will be lethal. 1.7 ounces can be a lethal dose for humans. We roasted a couple thousand pounds and produced well over that (300 grams). In some test runs we had a few people complaining of nausea and headaches. So we decided to test further.

THe bottom line was this. Caffeine sublimes at approx. 178 C and an afterburner accelerates that allowing the caffeine to escape in pure form as a gas. Unless it is cooled and collected, it is spewed into the air in gaseous form subliming in the air upon cooling. We beat the problem at great expense. I assume you will have to do the same once our data is submitted to the EPA.

Hahahaha, so with or without afterburner, all coffee roasters should be shut down, unless of course they use your system. Dude, if I were you, I design great big system and go after great big commercial roasters like Maxwell, Hills Bro, and the likes. That is where the real money is. Hocking your ware here is wasting your talented mind.
Sorry but all this seems to me funny, "gaseous powder" is great invention, and especially when only you notice it.

That's not an insult? Really Demetri. you're quite biased. I give a perfectly sane and detailed scientific analysis of our research and the process and someone who hasn't done a second of scientific research puts down our very scientific approach as imaginary? Let alone the fact he obviously doesn't even know what sublimination is yet chooses to challenge it in a public forum.

Now when I say that the "art" of roasting is less than scientific and overrated, all the sudden I'm Satan? Yes it is threatening because it's so very true. Doesn't seem like a two way street though. You can say 2+2=5 and that's ok because you want people to believe it. I prove 2+2=4 and I'm insulting people and my methods for the mathematical proof are discounted as trash?

Is this a forum for open discussion of coffee roasting or a protectionist propoganda device for traditional wholesale coffee roasters? I didn't see anything about "only 150 year old technology" and Probat owners allowed.
Fresh Roast,

If I was biased one way or the other then I would just simply ban your point of view like I do with the Gano Excel. Currently I delete every post they make.

I find some of what you say interesting but to be completely honest I don't have much interest in Roasting Coffee.

Things I'm not:

A coffee shop owner.
A coffee roaster.
An employee of a coffee shop or roasting house.
Affiliated in any way with anyone who makes a living selling coffee.

That being said I'm a guy who loves the internet and coffee and run a coffee forum. I don't care who roasts my beans or how they roast them as long as the coffee is good.

I'm not an expert, but I'm not convinced that you are either. What I am sure of though is that there is no meaningful discussion being had about your particular method of roasting. I only see shots being fired from one side to the other.

Please keep it civil or don't participate. This goes for anyone else.
First off how did you capture a representative sample of this powder? was this sampling conducted multiple times? Where the samples obtained by a qualified person? Where the samples contaminated? Were proper aseptic sampling procedures followed? Let's see a copy of the lad report and assurance that what you say is even accurate
He does not want, so I'll try to answer for him.
First off how did you capture a representative sample of this powder?
It's so simple! He cought the gas and converted it into powder.
was this sampling conducted multiple times?
No, it was difficult to catch the gas more then once.
Where the samples obtained by a qualified person?
Of course, by himself! I repeat he took it HIMSELF.
Where the samples contaminated?
Were proper aseptic sampling procedures followed?
of course, but do anybody need it?
Let's see a copy of the lad report and assurance that what you say is even accurate
Shame on you, how can you ask for it? The guy lost it, but remembers everything. What a life, no human being can confide in another one.
I try to be polite, but my "intelect" .... Eh, I had to learn what sublimination is.
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